Top 10 Tips For Safe Summer Partying

Top 10 Tips For Safe Summer Partying

Top 10 Tips For Safe Summer Partying

With the summer party season in full swing, youth ticketing provider, Moshtix released its top 10 tips on how to enjoy these events, whilst being safe.

Drink responsibly: Count your drinks and drink lots of water. Don't accept drinks off strangers and never leave your drink unattended

Eat well before you leave home: In the excitement of the day it's easy to forget to eat. It's important to have some food in your stomach if you decide to drink

Stay close to your friends: If you need to go somewhere, take someone with you. If you get separated, make sure you have a designated location where you can meet your mates again

Plan transport: Always organise transport to and from the venue and have a backup plan if your initial plan falls through. If you need to take public transport, make sure you ride with a friend or if taking a train at night, travel in the blue light carriage

Be aware of the risks: Unfortunately there can be incidents of drink spiking, violence and sexual assault, so always be aware of your surrounds and stay away from situations that put you at risk.

Keep baggage to a minimum: Take a small bag with you, with as little items as possible. Essential items should be your ID, phone, cash and keys. Take advantage of lockers and cloak rooms if you need a big bag

Know the safety exits and first aid locations: In case either you or a friend need to seek medical attention

Be sun safe: When outdoors, always remember to wear a hat, sunnies, sunscreen and loose fitting, thin layers of clothing to keep you cool

Store an ICE in your mobile: This is an "In Case of Emergency" phone number

Have fun: Its celebration season!

Moshtix is also pleased to be the official online partner of the Federal Government's "National Drugs Campaign" that raises dangers of ecstasy awareness to youth.

Chief executive officer of Moshtix, Adam McArthur said that he was thrilled to be given the opportunity to be part of the campaign as the Federal Government's key digital partner.

"This campaign will reinforce our unique ability to merge a transactional ticketing business with integrated advertising, offering a customised solution and moving away from the traditional standard display media.

"The timing of this campaign could not be better. At a time of the year when people want to celebrate, we want to ensure that our customers are aware of the measures that need to be taken at events to ensure their own safety and maximise the experience for them.

"With the influx of large scale summer events such as Southbound 2012 in WA, No Years in QLD, Womadelaide in SA, and the Future Music Festival in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne heading our way in the next couple of months, there will be a strong need for not just regular festival goers, but for all people to be aware of the type of event etiquette that will ensure a good time is had by all," said McArthur.

Advertisements are expected to run across the Moshtix site for five months, starting from 24th January 2012.


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