Masturbating After Becoming a Mom

Masturbating After Becoming a Mom

Is It Okay to Masturbate Even After Becoming a Mom?

Sex and masturbation are a natural physical indulgence for every person. However, women have it hard after giving birth since they no longer have time for themselves. Society even makes it seem that masturbating is a sin after becoming a mother.

Moreover, having a child affects the sex life of the parents. They can only have sex after several weeks by receiving a go signal from their doctor. Clitoral stimulation, however, is allowed as long as the mother has recovered.

Start Slow
If your child is already old, then you don't need to be cautious about your female parts. However, if you only had a child, then you should start slow on masturbating. You need to take things gradually.

You should adjust to your baby's feeding schedule, sleep, and cuddling session. Make sure that you do not do it excessively to the point that it disrupts your daily activities.

After birth, vaginal insertion might not be allowed yet. However, this does not mean that you can no longer pleasure yourself. There are still many ways you can sexually stimulate yourself.

It can be done either through your hands or with the help of sex toys, such as Bellesa Boutique toys. Browse through various shops and do your research. Once you know what suits you, don't be afraid to try them out.

If you and your partner are already allowed to have sexual intercourse, both of you should also start slow. Foreplay is important during the first few encounters after birth. Masturbation will help stimulate your clitoris to allow your vagina to produce its natural lubrication. Mutual masturbation is also an option.

Reclaim Your Sexual Identity
As mentioned, there might be abstinence for sexual activities after birth. However, this does not mean that you cannot enjoy doing it yourself. Doing so will help you regain the sexual confidence you lost during pregnancy.

Not having to do any sexual intercourse with a partner helps you explore other options of pleasuring yourself. However, be mindful of the recovering tissues in the area where you were stitched and maintain the level of precautions needed for you to heal faster.

This is the perfect time to talk with your partner, especially if they only see intercourse as real sex. You can also open the topic of mutual masturbation, as there many other ways to get intimate other than penetration. Do not let your identity as parents be a barrier to your identity as partners.

However, do not feel forced to do so. Some may not want to masturbate or are not up to the feeling of doing any sexual activities. This is completely normal because of lower levels of libido, which is usually caused by lower estrogen levels and lesser sleep time due to child care.

Remove Stress
As mentioned, only masturbate if you are willing to do so. Do not force yourself to do it if you don't want to. However, during stressful situations, masturbating can help you blow some steam off. Physical, mental, and emotional stress is heightened due to the exhaustion of parenthood.

Masturbating can release dopamine, the feel-good hormones. Dopamine puts you in a better mood and makes you feel good. Furthermore, oxytocin is also released, which helps lower the cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is high for those who are frequently stressed out. Thus, masturbating can boost these chemicals to help you feel at peace.

It also helps you sleep better. Sleep deprivation is also a factor for stress. Sleeping pills might be an option to help you sleep, but masturbation might be something that you have to try. Reaching an orgasm helps produce prolactin, which is a major factor for sleep. Also, having a good sleep increases your libido.

Sleep quality is also important for one's mental health. Getting less sleep makes someone irritated, and relationships with other people, especially with your child, might be affected. Thus, getting better sleep means a good immune system and more energy to take care of your child.

Further, it helps relieve physical pain that adds to your stress. Reaching a climax also releases endorphins, which has pain-killing properties. Endorphins interact with the brain opiate receptors that alter the perception of pain.

Help Yourself Gain Confidence
It has been proven that a lack of sexual activities can breed depression and low self-worth, especially among women. Thus, masturbation can relieve a mom from feelings of lesser self-worth.

Loving your postpartum body isn't easy. Sometimes, it will take a long time for women to love and accept their postpartum bodies. Thus, a good way to ease yourself to sex is to make time for yourself and be in-charge. You don't have to worry about anyone else and stop anytime you want.

As mentioned, masturbation helps reclaim sexual identity. Thus, engaging in it will help increase self-worth and self-esteem. Masturbating is a form of making quality time for yourself and self-love. Your confidence will be higher if you're learning what pleasures you.

More Intimacy with Your Partner
Partners tend to forget about their sex life once a child is put in the picture. The most common misconception about masturbation is that it is a form of cheating. It does not mean that your partner is not doing well, but you will be able to communicate what you want to your partner.

It is also a healthy tool for partners with different levels of libido. Your partner might not be available to be with you all the time. For this reason, masturbation might be a healthy outlet for your desire. Doing so will ensure that each partner enjoys sexual benefits.

Masturbation is a normal occurrence for people, but it may be hard for mothers. While you may have apprehensions about doing it, masturbation is healthy for you and your relationships. Start slow, reclaim your sexual identity, remove stress, gain your self-confidence, and get more intimate with your partner. You can do so with your hands or explore more options with sex toys.


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