
Tai-Bo is an entire body workout unlike any other of its time. It is the hottest workout to hit this century and it has superstar athletes, Hollywoods' celebrities and thousands of people from all over the globe screaming for more.

Energizing, Uplifting and Explosive, Tai-Bo is the most powerful exercise program you can be a part of. Tai-Bo was personally developed by Billy Blanks, seven-time world martial arts champion and one of the top physical fitness trainers the U.S.A has ever known.

Tai-Bo blends your own hidden strengths with the ancient arts of self defense, dance and boxing. Combine that with today's most powerful music and the worlds most awesome instructors, you have the recipe for the hottest and most challenging workout you could ever possibly imagine.

Results are immediate as Tai-Bo takes your body to your next level of physical and mental fitness. It covers all fitness components. Increased strength and power, muscular endurance, cardio fitness, flexibility and agility are results of this high powered training session. It burns fat like no other workout known and your body will feel like never before.

It requires no experience, is easy to learn and does not involve any complicated choreography. It can be participated in by all age groups of all fitness levels and can guarantee 100% satisfaction by all involved.

Tai-Bo is the most powerful and challenging experience for your mind, spirit and body. It is addictive and will leave you begging for more. Come and experience it for yourself at Underworld Health and Fitness, Vaults 1-4 Banana Alley, Flinders St, City. Call them on 9621-1022 for timetable inquires and booking details.

You don't know what your body is capable of until you have experienced Tai-Bo. Challenge yourself today and find out just how powerful you can be!!!


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