Sex Drive

Sex Drive

Sex Drive

When it comes to women's priorities, is sex on top? Lack of libido is women's most common sexual problem and once in a secure relationship, women's sex drive begins to plummet. Exploring what our libido is and why it is being depleted, sexual anthropologist Dr Bella Ellwood-Clayton argues that women don't want sex because they don't feel sexy. At a time when women's libidos are being threatened by the wider forces of media, marketing and medication and our increasingly pressured lives, who can blame them? With increasing numbers of women with low libido being diagnosed as 'sexually dysfunctional', the race to create a 'pink Viagra' is on. But do we have unrealistic expectations about our sex drive? Who defines what is normal and abnormal? And could 'low libido' in fact be the natural order of things? Provocative, authoritative and engaging, Sex Drive: In pursuit of female desire is both fascinating reading and a book that is creating passionate debate.

Bella Ellwood-Clayton was born in Melbourne, spent her early years in Canada, and returned to Australia in 2000 to study and live. She is an internationally respected sexual anthropologist who holds a B.A. Hons, with a thesis on cross-cultural notions of beauty (Concordia University), and a Ph.D on young women's sexuality (University of Melbourne). In addition to appearances on television and radio, Dr Bella has written for many major newspapers and magazines. She also gives public talks and has made a popular documentary with National Geographic.

Sex Drive
Allen and Unwin Australia
Author: Bella Ellwood-Clayton
ISBN: 9781741756661
Price: $27.99 



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