The Weekenders - Adventures in Calcutta

The Weekenders - Adventures in Calcutta

Wanted: Eleven writers to take the trip of a lifetime, to a city you will never forget......

Following their adventures in Africa, the Weekenders, a diverse group of our most exciting writers, this time travel to India to uncover the beating heart of a city like no other - Calcutta.

What will writers as diferent as Monica Ali, Bella Bathurst and WF Deedes make of this vibrant and extraordinary metropolis?

How will Irvine Welsh transfer his tales to the mean and dirty streets of this incredible city?

What will Jenny Colgan discover about India's place in the modern world as she spends her afternoons nattering with the women at the beauty salon?

And how will Tony Hawks react to being dragged down Calcutta's overcrowded roads in a rickshaw?

Together with Simon Garfield, Michael Atherton, Sam Miller, Victoria Glendinning and Colm Toibin, these writers have been taken to the heart of one of the world's most intriguing and contradictory cities. Where wealth and poverty live side by side. Where the intensity of heat, noise and smell can overwhelm the senses.

The result is an incredible collection of short stories and evocative travel writing. With the Weekenders as your companion you will explore and experience a mystical and compelling city like no other on Earth.




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