Skin Hunger

Skin Hunger
In a world where magic has been outlawed. Sadima is recruited to the cause to restore it. But her joy at finally being able to share her secret gift soon turns to fear, as she uncovers the strange, irrevocable bond between Franklin and the dangerously obsessive Somiss, and the extremes they will go to in order to accomplish their goal.

Centuries later, magic has been restored and is strictly controlled by two wizrds who run a mysterious, draconian Academy of Magic. Hahp, the disinherited son of a wealthy merchant, is forced into the academy and quickly discovers that the only thing that truly matters is survival.

Sadim's and Hahp's worlds are separated by generations, but their lives are connected in surprising and powerful ways in this brilliant first book of Kathleen Duey's dark, complex, and completely compelling trilogy.

Skin Hunger
Simon and Schuster
Author: Kathleen Duey
Price: $16.95
ISBN: 9781847381347

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