I Just Want You To Be Happy

I Just Want You To Be Happy

I Just Want You To Be Happy

In the lead up to National Youth Week, three specialists in the fields of teenage psychiatry, general practise and health broach the difficult and often underestimated subject of teenage depression in the new guide for parents, carers, teachers, social workers and doctors. I Just Want You To Be Happy is a sympathetic and practical tool in the prevention as well as the cure of this troubling teenage issue.

  • 1 in 5 teenagers will experience major depression before they are 18
  • The chance of a child developing depression has tripled in the last 30 years
  • Over 340,000 prescriptions of antidepressants are written for under 18's each year
  • Those aged 15-24 have the highest prevalence of depression of any age group
  • Youth suicide is the second most common cause of death in this age group.

    One of the most challenging and problematic issues facing Australia today is the increasing rate of youth depression and the high suicide rates of our young people. When most parents only want their teenagers to be happy, it is distressing to know that 1 in 5 teenagers will experience major depression before they are 18 years of age and that the chance of a child developing depression has tripled in the last 30 years. Depression is also particularly prevent in girls; staggeringly over 340,000 prescriptions of antidepressants are written for people under the age of 18 every year, despite the fact that psychosocial treatments are often more effective.

    I Just Want You To Be Happy describes the factors contributing to this increasing depression in young people and why our search for constant happiness is setting our children up for problems. It is important for all parents to know that, contrary to popular myth, depression can be prevented and treated. Alongside expert specialist advice, I Just Want You To Be Happy contains an invaluable contact list of mental health organisations, support groups and websites where parents and carers can seek further help.

    Associate Professor Leanne Rowe AM is the former Chairman of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has extensively published in the area of adolescent mental health.

    Professor David Bennett is Head of the NSW Centre for the Advancement of Adolescent Health.

    Professor Bruce Tonge is Head of the Centre of Development Psychiatry and Chairperson of the Division of Psychiatry at Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne.

    I Just Want You To Be Happy
    Allen and Unwin
    Authors: Leanne Rowe, David Bennett and Bruce Tonge
    ISBN: 9781741755905
    Price: $27.99

    Have you or any you know suffered Depression?

    How did you & others around you deal with Depression?

    To understand Depression from all sides we would like to hear your stories & feedback on how families & individuals can deal with Depression. Please post your comments here: www.femail.com.au/blog/


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