Courtney Thorpe Covidmumlife

Courtney Thorpe Covidmumlife

Former Miss World, TV presenter and WAG Courtney Thorpe celebrated her first Mother's Day with baby Kennedy last weekend, and announced her partnership with the world's purest baby wipes, WaterWipes. Following months of selfisolation with 8-month old Kennedy, step daughters Peyton (5) and Lara (7), and her NRL star husband Jarrod Wallace, there have been a few things the family of five have decided they won't be changing post #covidmumlife.

Courtney be will sharing her journey, tips and advice of what she's learnt in self-isolation and beyond via her social channels. Courtney says, "Although it has been a totally different journey than expected over the past few months, I'm thrilled to be working with WaterWipes on such a great campaign, I'll be opening the doors to my family home and sharing the good, the bad and the ugly.

"I fell in love with WaterWipes during our time in the NICU with Kennedy. We had sample packs to use of a variety of brands, but nothing even came close to WaterWipes. I love the moisture they hold and that I am using a safe product on bub and the kids. They're also great wiping hands and faces before and after meals, especially now, and are great at getting glue off at craft time. We pretty much have a pack in every room, ready to clean up any spills," said Courtney.

With no topic off limits, Courtney plans on sharing her experience and tips for getting through life post #covidmumlife, from new routines, dedicated family time, home schooling, to split parenting, and everything in between.

Courtney's top 5 things she won't be changing post #covidmumlife include:
1. Set a routine: The only way I managed to survive isolation life was with a routine! I was home schooling my two stepdaughters who are in prep and year two, and at the same time look after my 8 month old, so having a clear routine made life a lot easier for us all.

2. Me time: I have always been shocking at finding time to switch off, or just take care of me for a second, but after about week 2 of isolation I felt like I was about to lose my mind! I told my husband I needed an hour. All I did was wash my hair and read a book, but I felt so much better after slowing down for a second. We as Mum's are so guilty of not doing this enough!

3. The family zone: The best thing to come out of all this is the time we got to spend together as a family. Before covid we were just so busy, all the time! During this time, we had no choice but to spend more time as a family and we all absolutely loved it. It really made me realise that life can wait a minute if it means you can spend time with your family. It's so important.

4. Don't sweat the small things: Mess, laundry, the kids are eating left over pizza for the second morning in a row… it's not the end of the world! During the covid isolation period I really did change my mindset to: just to what you need to do to stay sane! I figured the kids would all be happier if I was happy rather than a stressed out nightmare. This is definitely something I want to carry into normal life, I think it's important for both my family and myself.

5. Quick cleanups: In keeping with trying to spend more time with my family and not sweating the small things, quick clean are life! My WaterWipes were attached to me like armour ready to quickly mop up any spill, dirty hands or even just to wipe down the benches!

"COVID-19 has had a huge impact on all families and hopefully sharing the fact that we're no different will bring mums alike together to share the highs and lows, as well as practical, non-judgemental advice or solutions to help us all get through the day and have a laugh at the same time," said Courtney.


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