Chill Out Chair

Chill Out Chair

Chill Out Chair

Mindful living: it's just a chair away!

If you're currently feeling more disconnected from the world around you based upon your connection with the online world, you're not alone.

Serial entrepreneur, Jocasta Norman, has the solution…and it's in the form of a chair. Not just any old chair, a Chill Out Chair, designed to give a natural, comfortable and beautiful place to relax, practice mindfulness or meditate.


The average Australian household has up to eight internet connectable devices, with some having more than 20 smartphones, tablets and computers which are often used simultaneously.

As our lives get busier the practice of mindfulness is becoming a lot more popular. From Oprah to Angelina Jolie, CEOs to whole families, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to more conscious living and less stress.

The act of properly being aware is a practice we can all implement at any point in the day. However, Jocasta believes that if you have a physical reminder, such as a quiet retreat area or a piece of furniture, you are more likely to succeed in stopping, thinking and listening to yourself on a day to day basis.

Jocasta, 35 and mother of two, says that since launching Chill Out Chairs this year she has been inundated with orders. From CEOs of multinationals to Buddhist nuns; health practitioners to mums just wanting a place of peace and solitude, Australians seem to be embracing a more chilled out lifestyle.


"I'd read all about the wonders of meditation, slowing down and taking time out to just be present and I wanted something stylish and comfortable to enhance my experience and increase the very likelihood of me actually keeping it up!


'The benefits are huge, from spending just 10 minutes a day listening to your breathing and being mindful you can help protect yourself against health issues, loneliness and mental illness," Jocasta  says.

Peter Gardiakos is a busy entrepreneur who owns multiple businesses with over 500 staff. He has recently bought eight chairs for his meditation room and as gifts.

'I am passionate about taking time out from my busy life and believe meditation reduces my stress, balances me and makes me a much happier person. I keep buying more Chill Out Chairs as I don't want my family to miss out on building a more fulfilling life too."

Chill Out Chairs are designed to promote mindfulness and mindful living by providing people with the opportunity to invest in a beautiful piece of furniture.

The headquarters are based out of Melbourne, but ship to all parts of Australia. The chair is sold in a variety of different colours and designed in the USA, but ordered directly from suppliers in Indonesia.

The materials are sustainably sourced and use natural products including mango wood, banana leaf, seagrass and kapok.

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