Tasmanian Salmon Healthy Facts

Tasmanian Salmon Healthy Facts
  • Tasmanian Salmon is a highly nutritious food containing protein, vitamin A, a range of B vitamins, vitamin D as well as the minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, iodide and zinc - all of which are vital ingredients for a healthy balanced diet.
  • Tasmanian Salmon is a rich and naturally occurring source of omega-3 marine oils which have been scientifically proven to help in preventing many serious conditions such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and depression.
  • Omega-3s are called 'essential' fatty acids because they're critical for good health, but can't be produced naturally by the body. They need to be obtained from food, and oily fish are a great source.
  • There are 2 kinds of omega-3 - those from plant sources (known as ALA) and those from marine sources (called EPA & DHA). While both kinds of omega-3 are important for good health, the marine omega-3s are more potent and provide wide ranging health benefits throughout our bodies and brains.
  • Guidelines published by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in 2006, recommend that men have 610 mg and women have 430 mg of the marine omega-3s EPA & DHA daily to optimise health. To meet these recommendations, we need to consume a variety of omega-3 rich foods. Oily fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids and Tasmanian Salmon is one of the richest sources amongst fresh Australian fish.
  • The last National Dietary Survey showed that only one in four of us report eating fish at least once a week.
  • A recent study showed that 50% of Australians consume less than 120 mg of marine omega-3s per day - that is less than a quarter of recommended intakes!
  • Recent CSIRO research shows that salmon has on average 10-100 times higher levels of omega-3s than beef, chicken and lamb.
  • Omega-3s are essential for brain development and function. The human brain is 60% structural fat, and in order to function properly, needs the right kind of fat (omega-3s) to make sure that signals are passed quickly and easily between the membranes of our brain cells. There's truth in what your grandmother told you - fish is brain food!

    Tasmanian Salmon is a rich, natural source of omega-3s, which have specific health benefits, outlined below:

    Omega-3s and cancer

  • Research into the benefits of omega-3s in cancer is still in its early stages but so far the results look promising, according to the Dieticians Association of Australia's Victoria Branch Oncology Interest Group. There is good evidence to suggest that omega-3s can enhance our immune function and help slow tumour growth. Omega-3s can also help to stop or slow the rapid weight loss and poor appetite experienced by some people with cancer. EPA is the omega-3 fat shown to have the most benefit, one of the best sources of which are oily fish, including salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring.

  • A recent review by the National Cancer Council found that a higher fish intake might be associated with a slightly decreased risk of breast, rectal and prostate cancer.

  • The National Cancer Council recommends eating oily fish at least twice a week, which is consistent with Heart Foundations around the world, and the Dietary Guidelines for Australian adults.

    Omega-3s and heart disease

  • For many years, health authorities and heart foundations around the world have been recommending that we eat more fish. The American Heart Association recommends that we eat at least 2 fish meals (preferably oily fish) per week to prevent heart disease. For those with existing heart disease, they recommend an oily fish meal daily.

  • The National Heart Foundation of Australia is soon to release new, updated guidelines in recognition of the importance of omega-3 fatty acids.

    Omega-3s and depression

  • If you eat little or no seafood, you may be putting yourself at risk of depression and other mood disorders, according to a number of studies in the US and Sydney's Black Dog Institute. Researchers found a plausible link between low rates of seafood consumption and high rates of both depression and bi-polar disorder indicating a strong relationship between the low consumption of omega-3s and depression. More recently, it has been shown that omega-3s can assist in the management of depression in those who have already been diagnosed.

    Omega-3s and pregnancy

  • Omega-3s also helps to ensure healthy growth and development in unborn and newly born babies and toddlers - in particular for optimum brain and vision development. Food Standards Australia New Zealand recommend that pregnant and breast feeding mums, or women planning to fall pregnant, eat at least 2-3 serves of fish with very low mercury levels - which includes salmon.

    O mega-3s, vitamin D and multiple sclerosis

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that randomly attacks the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The progress, severity and specific symptoms of the disease cannot be predicted; symptoms may range from tingling and numbness to paralysis and blindness. MS is a devastating disease because people live with its unpredictable physical and emotional effects for the rest of their lives.

  • Oily fish (particularly salmon) is recommended as a naturally high source of omega-3s and vitamin D to MS sufferers as omega-3s have a powerful, anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce depression and vitamin D is recommended for musculoskeletal health and to help maintain a healthy immune system.

  • Anti-oxidants (vitamins C, E, B-carotene, minerals zinc, iron, copper, manganese and selenium) are excellent for boosting immunity, B vitamins for vascular and neurological health and calcium for bone and muscle health

    Nutritional information

  • An average serving size of Tasmanian salmon is approximately 150 grams.

  • Compared to other types of seafood containing omega-3, Tasmanian Salmon is well above the average with almost 2,000mg per 100gms verses the other types of fish that average about 235 mg per 100gms.

    In addition to being an excellent source of omega-3s and protein, tasmanian salmon is also low in saturated fat and full of vitamins and minerals.

    Vitamin - Function
    Vitamin B12 - Helps maintain nerve cells and red blood cells plus builds genetic material (DNA)
    Niacin - Helps the nervous system and digestive tract
    Vitamin B6 - Needed for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, plus nerve and brain function
    Thiamin (Vitamin B1) - Helps carbohydrate metabolism and muscle coordination. Promotes proper nerve function.
    Pantothenic Acid - Pantothenic acid (PA), a B-complex vitamin, is essential for growth, reproduction, and normal physiological functions. It helps metabolism and nerve function
    Vitamin A - Essential for a healthy immune system, skin and eyes. Maintains hair, bones and teeth
    Folate - Promotes growth and development during pregnancy and is important for cell division throughout the body. Helps heart and nervous system
    Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - Metabolises all foods and releases energy to the body. Protects cells from damage
    Vitamin D - Essential for strong bones and calcium metabolism in the body. Helps regulate cell growth and differentiation - the process that determines what a cell becomes.

    Mineral - Function
    Selenium - This antioxidant protects cells from damage. It helps to regulate thyroid function and plays a role in the immune system..
    Phosphorous - This non-metallic element is good for boosting energy levels. Builds bones. Helps nerve and muscle function.
    Potassium - Important in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, as well as enabling muscle contractions and nerve impulses.
    Magnesium - Helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function. It keeps bones strong, and is required for the proper functioning of many enzymes.
    Zinc - Promotes a healthy immune system and is important for wound healing, growth and metabolism.Copper - Copper, a mineral, is necessary (along with iron) for the formation of haemoglobin. It also helps keep bones, blood vessels, and nerves healthy.
    Calcium - Good for strong bones and teeth. It is also critical for muscle contraction and nerve transmission.
    Iron - Forms part of haemoglobin in red blood cells, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all body cells. Improves concentration and helps maintain immune function.
    Manganese - Needed for carbohydrate metabolism and is also important in bone formation.
    Iodide - Needed to produce thyroid hormones such as thyroxine, which help to regulate metabolic rate, growth and development. It is also essential for the brain and physical development of unborn babies and children.

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