The Amazing Apple Slinky Machine

The Amazing Apple Slinky Machine
The Amazing Apple Slinky Machine" is a nifty device that turns a humble apple into a peeled, cored, sliced "slinky" in just seconds! Simply load the apple onto the holder, lock in place, and turn the handle for a speedy, healthy snack.

How does it work?

Simply load the apple onto the holder, lock in place, and turn the handle. You'll see your kids eating more apples than you dreamed they would!

Great design!

The apple slinky machine is fitted with a sturdy suction base to prevent movement and to ensure safety. Even little hands can use it simply. It also pulls apart easily which means it's easy to clean!

Fun and easy!

  • Gets kids to eat more apples.
  • Apples taste better when turned into slinkies!

    Try organic apples for even more vitamins!

  • Unless your fruit is organic, it's advisable to peel apples before eating them. Buy organic, and you can even choose to leave the skin ON! Simply hold down the peeling arm using the lock lever which is located at the base of the arm. You can even remove the peeling arm if you'd prefer.

    Hard work made easy!

  • Prepare apples for stewing and fruit salads.
  • Takes all the hard work out of food preparation. We all know how tedious it is to peel half a dozen


    Love dried apples? The apple slinky machine slices apples into 5mm slices, the perfect thickness for drying in your EziDri dehydrator! If you don't have a dehydrator yet, click here for more information.

    Better stock up on apples ... you won't believe how many you'll go through when you have an apple slinky machine in the house!


  • Many schools offer fresh apple slinkies for 80 cents each, or invite children to bring their own apples from home and allow them to make their own slinkies at a cost of 10 cents each.

  • Keeping an apple slinky machine in class is a fabulous idea! Teachers report enthusiastic consumption of fresh apples and pears when they have an apple slinky machine in the room. The children are encouraged to make their own apple slinky before leaving the room for morning tea.

    Review: Trying to get children to eat healthy food can often be hard work. The Apple Slinky Machine is a huge hit with the kids, just make sure you have enough apples and pears before you start. Once children discover how fun apples and pears can be, they will want apple & pear slinky's all the time. The Apple Slinky Machine is also good for parties, too many sweets & cakes can turn a party to tears, why not try fruit slinkys, they are quick to prepare, healthy, and heaps of fun! What at treat!

    RRP $39 plus $10 shipping to anywhere in Australia.

    Available through Live it Up Lifestyle Products. Call 1800 227 004 or visit

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