Suffering from Three Thirtyitis - Continental Cup of Soup has the answer

Suffering from Three Thirtyitis - Continental Cup of Soup has the answer
So...are you one of the 81 per cent(1) of Australians who experience a lapse in concentration between meals? If so, you might be like one of the 49 per cent(2) of Australians who see this lapse in concentration strike in the mid-afternoon.

Continental Cup·a·Soup calls this mid-afternoon lull and lapse in concentration Three-thirtyitis.

67 per cent(3) of Australians say that when experiencing this drop in concentration they are more likely to make a mistake at home or at work. So, if you have ever locked your keys in the house, tripped over the photocopier or even put the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge, you may have a case of Three-thirtyitis.

Continental Cup·a·Soup offers the perfect cure for Three-thirtyitis. Not only is Continental Cup·a·Soup 97% fat free and free of any artificial colours, artificial flavours and added MSG, there are now seven new flavours to choose from. So, what better excuse do you need to put the kettle on!

(1) This Newspoll study was conducted by telephone in January 2006, among a representative sample of 642 adults aged 25-54 nationally. 81% of Australians aged 25-54 say they ever experience a lapse in concentration due to low energy
(2) 49% of Australians aged 25-54 say they are most likely to experience a lapse in concentration midafternoon
(3) 67% of Australians aged 25-54 say they are more likely to make a mistake when experiencing a lapse in concentration due to low energy


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