Simone sets sail to her career in sports marketing

Simone sets sail to her career in sports marketing

Simone Green is on course for a successful career in sports marketing and publicity with the Australian Yachting Federation after completing an Advanced Diploma in Marketing (Sports & Entertainment Management) with APM Training Institute.

APM Training Institute is Australia's only private college specialising in marketing, public relations, event management and sports marketing.

The Advanced Diploma in Marketing (Sports & Entertainment Management) trains students how to apply basic business and marketing skills to the rapidly developing sectors of the sports market. It is endorsed by the key industry bodies involved in sport including Institute of Sports Management, the New South Wales Sports Federation and the Australian Society of Sports Administrators.

According to recruitment firm, Sportspeople, jobs in the Australian sports industry grew by 14 percent in the second half of 2002. Jobs within sales and marketing were the third highest category, with strong employment opportunities occurring in golf, rugby league, swimming, tennis and netball.

After finishing high school in Sydney's Eastern suburbs, Simone enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts in Education at the University of NSW to become a PE teacher. In the final year of her BA she realised she didn't want to be stuck in a classroom teaching students theory; she wanted to play a more active role.

Her passion for sport led her to research university courses in sports management, but found them too theoretical for her liking. Almost giving up, Simone typed in the words 'sport management' on a search engine and was directed to APM Training Institute.

"I couldn't believe that I had found a college that offered everything I was looking for; a practical, industry based course that offered work experience. It was late at night and I woke my mum up to tell her. I was so relieved to find the course."

"During my course I undertook an internship with the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation. The Internship allowed me to experience the hands on requirements of sports marketing as well as an office environment."

Students in APM Training Institute's full time course must participate in an Internship which places them with a marketing, public relations or event management company for two days per week over six months. Students gain work experience and make contacts to help them gain employment upon graduation.

Since being with the Australian Yachting Federation, Simone has worked closely with athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), National Olympic and Paralympic squads, including traveling to the AIS in Canberra to profile each squad member.

Simone is solely responsible for the Federation's publicity, a role that involves writing media releases and arranging interviews.

"Without the practical experience I obtained at APM, I doubt that I would have been able to take on that responsibility," says Simone.

According to Simone full credit goes to the lecturers and the industry contacts you make at APM.

"APM's lecturers are all involved in the industry. One of the guest lecturers is the director of the sport recruiting company that I got my job through," she says.

All of APM's full time courses run for one year and are approved by the National Training Authority, VETAB and their relevant industry body including the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI), Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) and Institute of Sports Management (ISM). All lecturers at APM are practising industry professionals and classes are limited to 30 students only.For more information, contact on (02) 9436 0155 or visit the website at


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