Sherry Cooper-Smith

Sherry Cooper-Smith
'Spotlight' is designed to give us all inspiration and confirm that anyone can make his or her business dream or that promotion a reality...

This month read on to find out all about Sherry Cooper-Smith


Sherry started out in the fashion industry, straight out of school, after deferring mhercommunications degree. She began with modelling but decided she was more interested in what was going on behind the scenes. Sherry got into styling and choreography, and eventually ran an agency and show production company. She returned to university to get some study under her belt, and then began working for the government. Sherry worked in a number of training and development roles where she was soon able to use her communications skills and began writing marketing strategies. She later moved into the environmental field and worked to raise public awareness about threatened species in Australia.

Sherry moved to Melbourne two years ago, where she continued to work in public relations, raising community awareness about issues such as blood donation, adult literacy and education.

Last year Sherry launched her own business Potentially Famous and hasn't looked back. Sherry's working with clients on a range of community issues. Sherry's outstanding career achievement to date will be to have her first book published, 'The Giving Spirit - 20 Australian Women Redefining Success and Inspiring the Giving Spirit in Others'.

Businesswoman and Femanthropist

Potentially Famous

VIC - Melbourne


Where did you grow up?
Sydney and Canberra

What was your first job?
Delivering pamphlets when I was 11

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A ballerina, a vet, a movie star, and then a journalist

How did you get to where you are now?
A combination of study and life experience - embracing the opportunities that came along and making the most of them. And in business, learning to create my own opportunities.

What qualifications/experiences are required to perform your job?
For anyone wanting to get into public relations, it requires great communication skills and a degree - either in PR or journalism.

How many hours a week do you work?
Varies - sometimes I can set my own hours and have mid-week breaks, others it's all day seven days.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
In a beach house on the peninsula! I would like to have built a solid and successful business. I'm not interested in being rich - just comfortable.

What advice would you give to somebody embarking on their first business or aspiring to achieve extraordinary career goals?
Just believe in yourself and your ideas and go for it. And don't listen to critics. It's one thing to take advice from mentors and people you trust, but ultimately it's up to you to listen to your intuition and make the right choice for you.

What do you class as your biggest career achievement?
So far, probably taking a risk, leaving my job and starting my business. It was a scary move, but well worth it.

What is the best piece of advice anybody has given you?
I like the Nike saying - just do it!

Fast Facts

Who living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner?
Oprah Winfrey

Name a movie that actually inspired you?
Where the Heart Is

Your favourite toy as a child:
My Smash up Derby Set!

What are you reading at the moment?
EVEolution by Faith Popcorn

Is there a talent/attribute you wish you had/ had more of?

Which song transports you to another place when you hear it and why?
I love 'Video' by India Arie

Your favourite place in the world, and why?
So far, Mornington Peninsula - it's just so relaxed and gorgeous to look at.

What is your idea of the perfect Day?
A nice long sleep in, a soak in a bubble bath followed by brunch of eggs benedict and a play on the beach with my dogs. An afternoon nap and dinner and a movie with friends.

Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life (important to you)
1. Doing what you love
2. Believing in yourself
3. lots of 'me' time
4. great family and friends
5. sleep!!

Are there other related careers to your chosen career:
Yes - journalism, marketing, events management and to an extent, advertising.

Many thanks from the team!

- Michelle Palmer


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