Nikki Fogden-Moore Interview

Nikki Fogden-Moore Interview

Nikki Fogden-Moore Interview

Nikki's vision is about empowering her clients and those around them with inspiration, knowledge and the support systems to make the best possible choices for their long-term health and wellbeing. It's all part of ensuring a positive impact to many so everyone can lead an educated and conscious life.

Interview with Nikki Fogden-Moore

A New Zealand native, Nikki was always involved in sport however, after obtaining a Bachelor in Marketing, she moved into a career in PR, advertising and international brand strategy which she pursued for over 10 years in Europe.

Whilst residing in the Netherlands in 2004, Nikki founded Project Pro Extreme Sports Management for athletes, alongside her current company Life's A Gym. She relocated to Australia in 2009, re-establishing Life's A Gym and launching her retreats, personal programs and corporate speaking business.

Her long standing history with triathlon, nutrition and sports meant healthy living was always part of daily life.

Question: What's a typical week's exercise schedule for you?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: There's really no 'typical' week for me as every week location and schedule is different. I tailor my program based on how I feel, amount of travel and where I might be each day.

Regardless of where I am presenting or coaching, I always have some yoga gear, my running shoes and usually a swimsuit. My philosophy is to use nature as your gym so I usually head out the door early before meetings to explore a city by jogging and incorporate some body weight and stretches into a mini routine.

If I'm really pressed for time I ensure I have my secret weapon WakeUpWorkout(TM) push ups, crunches, lower ab lift, different plank exercises and end on child's pose. 15mins is 1% of your day and it can make the world of difference as a regular routine.

Question: Can you share with us your current fitness goals?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: I've been working on my new book, launching a new online program and building an elite corporate vitality road map - this has been pretty all in-compassing and I put bigger fitness goals aside and just aimed for "healthy and harmony" while that's been going on. As of September I will be setting a new goal. It's normally something outside the box like an adventure race, a 2 week surf trip or training for a charity run or event. If you can combine a personal goal with giving back its double the fun and the results.

Question: What advice do you have for Australian women who have difficulties motivating themselves to exercise?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: Find your why. Sometimes you need to stop reading information and quick fixes and get back to basics. Why is it TRULY important to you to be fit and healthy, what really is the core reason for looking and feeling fantastic beyond getting into skinny jeans. Give yourself permission to set a new routine, different ways to workout and exercise that you enjoy. All too often we set unrealistic goals that do not truly align with where we are at in our lives and how we can balance lifestyle, family, work and our own time. Once you agree to re-write the script and get back to basics with a good sense of purpose - no one can take you off track. Find your purpose - the rest will follow.

Question: Many women are scared about stepping into a gym, for the first time; what tips do you have them?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: First up - do you need to go to the gym? Can you start getting back into fitness by discovering your own neighbourhood by walking, jogging or even cycling. Choose a gym or location that appeals to you - interior, staff, location and the atmosphere is so important. Remember you don't need a gym to workout - so if you are going back to the gym make an effort to do some research and find one that excites you, has positive energy and well trained, super professional staff. It will make the world of difference.

Question: Can you provide your top five exercises for busy women?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: If all else fails ensure you put 1% of your day during the week into your exercise - that's 14.4minutes!
Use your weekends for longer sessions or combine it with your family and head outdoors to try something new.
Schedule time in your agenda
Get a buddy to join you
Ask your family to support you by putting your schedule on the fridge and your kids give YOU stars when you complete each day
Keep the goals SUPER SIMPLE and achievable. You can always build up - but in the beginning less is more. Opt for regular routine rather than grand gestures and binge exercising

Question: How can we stay fit and healthy when away from home?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: Fitness and health is a lifestyle choice it's not a chore, and you take it anywhere with you as part of your life. Once you connect with that mindset it becomes effortless. Pack your running gear along with your other clothes. Each week buy/make healthy snacks you have in your bag and ensure you pack these with you for travel. Be Prepared. Avoid skipping meals. Order fresh salads and lean proteins when you are out for lunch or dinner and have regular small healthy bites in between. It's really all about conscious living and being connected to making positive choices that add value to how you look and feel rather than using the word diet and "giving up" certain things.

Question: What is a Vitality Retreat?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: 12 years ago I founded a retreat I called the BODIBREAK - a place where smart, driven and busy people could get away to combine an incredible location with first class coaching in mindset, fitness and food. The total package. The retreat experience starts the moment you book. I designed my Vitality Retreats around how I'd like to have a re-set break away. Stunning accommodation, close to the ocean, pre travel intake to find out goals and challenges and a hand select dream team support staff I bring along based on the group/individual. No fixed agenda's or bootcamps but rather a retreat that offers truly tailored and personal attention. Fast forward a decade on the Vitality Retreat is going strong and I can say I am still in contact with people that have been on my very first retreats in Europe. It's unique, connected and incredible powerful with a straight forward cosmopolitan approach. Dedicated to helping smart, busy people re-sent their hard drive and get your personal mojo back. Not about diets and detoxing but rather finding the right tools to take your life to the next level seamlessly. Enjoy delicious food, the right level of activities from yoga to stand up paddling to private 360 coaching sessions with me. I run Vitality retreats for individuals as part of my executive coaching program or for small groups up to 12 and Boardroom Retreats for leadership teams.

Question: Why are these necessary for stressed out Aussie workers?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: Increased online time, busy commuting and no personal down time is causing a huge disconnect with not only people living their passion and enjoying their job - but actually knowing when they need to balance their weeks and enjoy life at every phase. Aussie workers are putting health and wellbeing last on their list despite the knowledge that it should be a regular part of daily life. When you have the right mindset you can suddenly tailor your week differently, reconnect with healthy living in a way that suits your lifestyle and build a strong foundation for 'healthy, wealthy, wise'. I'm really proud of the fact my retreats are designed to help look at all areas of a winning week - health and wellbeing, admin/productivity, friends/family and me time. Having a break away in an environment where you can identify the best personal life tools for you - makes the world of difference and results in people leading from within, leading by example and then being able to lead others. That's my absolute mission - to help my guests and clients reconnect with their reason why and show them how simple it can be to maintain the results as part of a winning week.

Question: What's your favourite motivational quote?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: Create the life you want or you'll get the one you're given. I've had that top of mind since I was 13 believe it all not and it's the foundation for all that I do; When you are accountable for yourself and treat your body with respect the rewards are incredible.

Question: What's next, for you?

Nikki Fogden-Moore: I'm really fortunate to collaborate with some truly talented people, run retreats in my favourite locations and attract clients that I really love working with. I'm excited about the launch of my new book VITALITY, the Vitality Tour that I'll do to accompany that and to run more workshops on a national level to show people the Vitality Road Map; When you unlock a few simple tools you end up living the life you love. I enjoy showing people how to do that and empowering them to make great decisions to be their personal best in business and in life. In some ways I feel my journey to share all this has just begun.
Find out more about Nikki by visiting

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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