Hysterical hysterectomy

Hysterical hysterectomy

Hysterical hysterectomy

Hysterectomies are fast becoming the most common performed of major surgeries and there is no after care advice for women, apart from be sensible.

The after care is underestimated but crucial to avoid corrective surgery in the future.

Hysterical hysterectomy: putting the fun back into an uneasy and more common than you think subject matter.

After returning home from the surgery, I made many calls to the hospital, to friends and even researched diligently on the Internet, but nothing was really of any help.

All the advice pretty much said the same thing, "just be sensible".

What exactly is "sensible"?

I have three children, a husband and a house to run. Hearing people harping lines like "Just don't life anything heavier than a litre, love. And you will be fine".

Well, that was a great help - Not!

My one hysterectomy information pamphlet hung precariously on a fridge magnet. It's content was as helpful as the magnet that held it.

So girls, hang on to yer knickers - literally; as I walk you through my own personal dos and don'ts. Hopefully it'll help you get through this trying time because you know you deserve it.

Author: Marion Hughes
"It is a light hearted informative book that has been read by many and the reviews have been great, many wishing they had the book before having the surgery. My aim is to share my story with the women of the world and help them through this traumatic time".

Hysterical hysterectomy
Author: Marion Hughes
ISBN: 9781445799490


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