Bone Health for Life

Bone Health for Life

Bone Health for Life

We all know that calcium is important for children's growing bones, but what about for older people? According to Osteoporosis Australia, older Australians aged 60 and over are the worst age group at meeting their recommended daily calcium requirements, with only 8% meeting the target of three serves of dairy a day.

This is a big concern because older people are also at greater risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition which results in loss of bone strength. This means that even simple bumps or falls due to slipping or stumbling can lead to fractures and hospitalisation. In Australia, osteoporosis affects one in two females and one in three males over the age of 60.

According to Jean Hailes Director of Research Prof Helena Teede, there is plenty that we can do to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures at any age. "Apart from ensuring that you consume the recommended amount of calcium every day (1,300mg for women over 50 and men over 70), you should also incorporate some weight-bearing exercises into your routine. Good examples are brisk walking, running, tennis and dancing. Exercises such as tai chi can improve your balance and reaction time and lower your risk of falls. You can also help prevent falls by removing items that may cause you to trip, such as rugs, using a non-slip mat in the bath or shower, wearing footwear with good traction and ensuring rooms are well-lit."

For more information on bone health, go to Another good resource is Osteoporosis Australia

Published with the permission of the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women's Health

Toll free number 1800 151 441 for women seeking further health information


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