Just For Men: What Women Want

Just For Men: What Women Want

Just For Men: What Women Want

It's the age old dilemma that confuses many men – what do women want? While it's said that gentlemen prefer blondes, neuroscience research has discovered that women really do want a man with dark hair that's void of grey.

The study, conducted by Just For Men, the world's leading brand in men's grey hair solutions, found that women subconsciously find men with natural-looking, colour-treated hair 28 per cent more desirable than the same man with grey hair, indicating that even George Clooney would be more desirable without his silver strands. The neuroscience research captured only the pure emotional reactions of the women using four measures – engagement, approach/withdrawal (like/dislike), emotional intensity and desirability.

According to Leandro De Lima, Marketing Manager of Combe Asia-Pacific, the makers of Just For Men, additional research also discovered that the majority of men aged 21-34 who are grey or greying are very concerned about their hair. "Almost two thirds of men in this age group feel that hair is an important part of their appearance and more than 20 per cent believe that females don't like men with grey hair," said De Lima.

Statistics from leading Australian dating site, RSVP.com.au, reveal that women do indeed prefer men without the silver as less than 10 per cent have indicated that grey hair is okay in their Ideal Partner Profile. In fact, having grey hair is only slightly more desirable than being bald (8%). The breakdown of the preferences for hair colour shows that brown (29%) is the clear favourite, followed by black (13%).

Further research by RSVP1 found that males aged 18-30 fear rejection the most. With one third of females in the same age group admitting they would choose to date someone based on their looks alone, there is a compelling reason for men with grey or greying hair who are single and dating to do something about their hair colour.

"Confidence is crucial to success in dating," said Lara Delahunty from RSVP. "There's nothing more attractive than self-confidence and feeling positive about your appearance will boost that."

It's not only in the dating game that men with naturally-looking treated hair are at an advantage. The neuroscience research also studied the emotional reactions of males. "Both men and women over 40 years of age subconsciously found the men with natural-looking treated hair 30 per cent more desirable than the same men with grey hair," said De Lima. "Men who achieve a natural-looking result when colouring their hair are more appealing on both a social and professional level."

Just For Men has launched three new intermediate shades to give men more confidence in finding a better match to their own colour and achieve a more natural look. In just five minutes every five weeks, men can boost their appeal by 30 per cent.


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