Thailand Is the Ideal Destination for Affordable Dental Implants

Thailand Is the Ideal Destination for Affordable Dental Implants

Even though dental work in Thailand is cheap, most people are not inclined to go there. Some people do not believe the savings are significant enough to travel all the way. On the other hand, many patients are apprehensive because of the low prices. They believe that the low price comes with a catch. In actual, the low price is just due to lower operating costs.

All-on-4 treatment in Thailand is the best option for people who require implants. Considering the cost of treatment in developed countries like New Zealand and Australia, implants are unaffordable for most. Some people cannot even afford basic treatments. This reason is why the best option is to travel to Thailand. Not only do you save a significant amount of money, but also you get to spend a few days in one of the best holiday destinations. So, why should Thailand be your first choice for dental implants?

Reliability of Treatment
Dental work in Thailand is not just cheap, but reliable as well. There is stiff competition amongst clinics in Phuket. Even the government promotes friendly competition. Due to this, the clinics keep their treatment costs low. This helps them attract more customers. Most clinics operating in Thailand rely heavily on repeat customers and word of mouth.

Therefore, they do everything they can to uphold their reputation. Each clinic offers properly maintained and state-of-the-art facilities. They take special care of hygiene and provide personalized care to each patient. Of course, if you want the best, you need to ensure you select a reputed clinic. Here are a few reputed clinics you may choose from:

• DDS Dental Clinic
• Patong Smile Dental Clinic
• New Smile Dentists

Dentists in Thailand
All-on-4 treatment in Thailand is comparable in terms of standards to what you would get at a clinic back home. This is because most dentists operating reputed clinics are highly skilled. They either studied at reputed universities in Thailand or abroad. This also gives you an added advantage and makes communication easy.

These dentists are fluent in English and will easily be able to guide you about the procedures. Be sure to get as much detail about the implant procedure as possible. Dental implants require considerable post-procedure care, and your dentist should be able to help you with that. This way, you can make the most of the low dental implants cost there.

Why Is Dental Treatment In Thailand Cheap?
Dental treatment in Thailand is cheap due to a number of reasons. The most important factor that allows clinics to keep their treatment cost low is the lack of red tape. Red tape is primarily responsible for the soaring dental treatment costs in developed countries.

Since clinics in Thailand do not have to deal with red tape, the dental implants cost is significantly low. Red tape also contributes to the high cost of materials for clinics in New Zealand and Australia. Clinics in Thailand acquire the same quality materials for a lower rate. This allows them to keep their operating cost low. This eventually affects the treatment cost, keeping it low.

Savings in Thailand
If you worry about the travel costs, you should know that dental care in Thailand is 50% cheaper than at home. Therefore, you should easily be able to cover the cost of travelling, lodging, as well as sightseeing with ease. Here is a comparison of prices to give you a better idea:

Dental Crown

Australia: AUD $1,505
New Zealand: NZD $1,545
Phuket: AUD $700 / NZD $758

Australia: AUD $2,378
New Zealand: NZD $2,443
Phuket: AUD $955 / NZD $1,031

Dental Implant
Australia: AUD $5,098
New Zealand: NZD $5,238
Phuket: AUD $2,630 / NZD $2,871

Now that you are aware of how much you can save and how reliable the treatment is, you should consider opting for dental work in Thailand. From dental crowns to implants, these clinics offer all procedures you could require.

Photo by Amauri Acosta Montiel on Unsplash


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