Joanne Nelson is the founder of The Curated Parcel

Joanne Nelson is the founder of The Curated Parcel

From Scientist to Online Educational Gift Store Owner. How one Melbourne Mum followed her heart and soul to success and boxes of toys.

The Curated Parcel turned over a quarter of a million dollars in its first year trading.


Joanne Nelson is the founder of The Curated Parcel, one of the finalists in this year's AusMumpreneur Awards.

The Curated Parcel is a Melbourne home-based gift store. Joanne worked as an IVF Fertility Specialist and after years of assisting other families to conceive, she had three of her own children.

Joanne wanted to be more available and present in her own children's lives which led her to start The Curated Parcel, just over a year ago.

Joanne says: "We are a family who loves nothing more than being with each other. After having my third child, I decided that I was missing out on too many milestones. I wanted to be with my family.

I was lucky enough to have a business skillset so combine with my natural knack of gifting opened up a new this new journey in the form of TCP. Once TCP took shape, I was inspired to use my new platform to give back to society. In Australia, there are so many young people who are either homeless or struggling in education. Educating the next generation is so important and supporting those young people who may need just that little helping hand goes such a long way. There are so many ways to contribute to society and supporting our next generation so that they can take the lead for a better future is essential. This is where the pays it forward with the 10% charity program that came into place. The business turned over just over a quarter-million dollars in its first year."


The Curated Parcel is currently a Finalist in the AusMumpreneur Awards in the People's Choice: Customer Service Award and Emerging AusMumpreneur Award.

TCP provides sustainable, eco-conscious play-based learning resources. For every order made, 10% is donated to The Smith Family and to Kids Under Cover which prevents youth homelessness.


Joanne concludes: "I am exceptionally proud of what I have built in the short 14 months and that TCP deserves to be recognised. I am hardworking and pour my heart and soul into everything that revolves around TCP.


TCP isn't just any online gift store, it has a soul of its own and that every item that is delivered to its new home brings joy and happiness. And from this, I am able to give back to the community in a different way, that is what sets me & TCP apart from others."


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