Australian Mangoes

Australian Mangoes

According to the The Good Mood Food report released today by Hort Innovation, eating a mango a day can help beat stress, provide longer lasting energy and healthy gut function, with a single mango cheek containing 90% of the RDI for vitamin C – a vital nutrient for psychological wellbeing and better brain function.


Hort Innovation's Research and Development Manager, Dietitian and Nutritionist Jemma O'Hanlon said Australian Mangoes are the perfect fresh fruit superfood to kick-start the New Year.


"Just by eating half a mango you're essentially getting two grams of your daily fibre intake which helps with healthy gut function, and the folate contained in that half a mango is 24 per cent of the RDI we need to reduce tiredness and fatigue.


"They're also low GI, meaning you'll stay fuller for longer and the natural sugars provide you with energy to get up and go," said O'Hanlon.


The report highlighted Australian Mangoes contain a variety of antioxidant phytochemicals which can positively affect brain function, including gallotannins, mangiferin, lupeol, and phenolic acids.


The riper the mango the more these compounds are readily available for absorption since the fibre and starches break down to release more nutrients.


The Australian Mango season is well into its peak with Aussies expected to indulge in close to 200 million mangoes between now and the end of March.


"Australian Mangoes are the season's must-have good mood food, with all the nutritional benefits they provide plus being so delicious, they are the perfect ingredient for mood boosting your favourite mango-inspired recipes," added O'Hanlon. 


The report suggested easy-to-prepare Mango recipes, including Mango Salad with Seeds & Quinoa, Gluten Free Mango Coconut Crumble Muffins


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