Soul Men dvd

Soul Men dvd

RATING: MA15+RUN TIME: 82 MINSFloyd Henderson (BERNIE MAC) is a retired back-up singer for a 60s soul act The Real Deal. When the group's lead singer, Marcus Hooks (played by real-lifesoul singer John Legend, suddenly drops dead, the two remaining members of the group must put their personal feeling aside.

The two members Henderson and Louis Hinds (SAMUEL L.JACKSON ), areenlisted to play a tribute concert at the Apollo Theatre in New York City, tohonour their recently deceased band leader. Twenty years since speaking toeach other and a road trip to reignite their careers provides misadventures andloads of laughs.

This hilarious buddy comedy delivers Bernie Macs final performance and showcases the talents of an amazingactor/comedian.

Special Features:
.. Director Malcolm Lee
.. The Soul Men: Bernie Mac & Samuel L Jackson
.. A Tribute To Isaac Hayes
.. The Cast Of Soul Men
.. A Tribute To Bernie Mac
.. Bernie Mac At The Apollo
.. Boogie Aint Nuttin (But Gettin Down) Behind The Scenes
.. Deleted Scenes

"Be prepared to laugh out loud and move to the music as Soul Men has plenty of both to offer." Entertainment Spectrum

Soul Men
RRP: $39.95

Samuel L Jackson Soul Men


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