7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to tell You

7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to tell You

7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to tell You… a guide for optimal health by Dr Warren Sipser and his television presenter wife, Andi Lew

Is prevention really better than cure?
May 2008, studies have shown in Victoria alone, over 135,000 hospital incidents have occurred from medical mistakes.
Kylie Minogue recently revealed in an Ellen Degeneres interview that she was initially misdiagnosed with her breast cancer.
Heath Ledger's tragic accidental death by overdoes was due to a cocktail of prescribed drugs.

7 Things exposes the dangers of our past attitudes of 'if it isn't broke, then don't fix it'. Prevention is about being proactive. It's a paradigm shift from the medical model which is reactive, to a proactive approach- wellness. 7 Things is an essential scientific guide with 7 easy things you can do to live a greater quality life.

World-renowned Dr John Demartini, Contributor of the International Bestseller, The Secret, and author of the multiple bestseller Count Your Blessings has written the foreword to 7 Things after an inspired visit to Melbourne where he met with the authors:

"You are about to go on a vital journey of health and wellness education. Andi Lew & Dr Warren Sipser share from their hearts, their training, and from direct personal experiences, their wisdom as individuals dedicated to a cause of brining you and your loves ones, and of that matter humanity, to a new and more elevated state of human potentiality and possibility."

"7 Things allows you to easily flip open to a chapter that may be of interest of enjoy the whole journey. With the wellness revolution in full swing, this guide is timely as it confirms what millions of people around the world are already doing; searching for answers to better health. We have been caring for thousands of people in our wellness centers and after years of suggestions that we must share the information in a book, we can finally share our secrets to optimal health. Knowing we can assist others to achieve a greater quality of life, is what inspires us," says the authors.

Dr Warren Sipser: grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and worked as a volunteer paramedic whilst studying a double science degree to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. He suffered the loss of his sister to cancer at a young age and her death inspired him to believe prevention is better than cure. Dr Sipser cares for thousands in his practice in Elwood, Victoria, is the Secretary of the CAA VIC and is furthering his studies in a Masters in Paediatric Chiropractic which will make him one of a handful in the world.

Andi Lew: is a well known television personality having hosted shows on Channels 7, 9 and 10 following four years on air with MIX101.1. During her early years as a dancer, Andi was plagued with painful sciatrica and fainting attacks that prevented her from performing. It was only after years of struggle with these hidden health challenges that she was inspired to embark on a journey towards optimal health. A chance meeting with her now husband, Dr Warren Sipser and her personal journey that followed, led her to a new career path in health and wellness education and television. Andi discovered the natural secrets to improving health and wellness when all other avenues failed, and these secrets improved both her quality of life and her appearance. Andi then went on to become a qualified Chiropractic Assistant, has worked with some of the best in the profession for over five years, and inspires them with her inspirational speeches at national seminars.

7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to tell You
Rockpool Publishing
Author: Dr Warren Sipser and Andi Lew
ISBN: 9781921295126
Price: $24.95

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