The Growth Of Female Entrepreneurs: Why It's Exploding?

The Growth Of Female Entrepreneurs: Why It's Exploding?

The perks of being your own boss entice many people to pursue their own business. Nobody to boss around, no rules to follow, and no sticking to a fixed amount of money – all good. You are your own boss, your own guide, and ruler of your own kingdom!

And this idea is enticing women more than ever before. According to '2018 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report', the number of women-owned businesses have shown 3,000% growth since 1972. It means that more and more women are ditching jobs and stepping forward to pursue entrepreneurship, and contributing to the stream of economy.

But the actual question is why women are challenging themselves to test new waters? Why are women encouraged to step out of their comfort zone to experience new challenges? Why are women heading out to lock horns with the set patterns?

Here are given some of the reasons why women are creating their own path rather than following someone else trail:

Financial Independence:
Unfortunately, despite all the buzz of gender equality, the fact is that women still face discrimination when it is about wage difference between females and their male counterparts. Even if women are more competent, hardworking, and dedicated than their male counterparts, they still have to face the issue of pay inequality.

And it is one of the factors that women are breaking their constraint wage dome to earn what they actually deserve and break financial dependence.

Autonomy and Power:
When you are corporate employ, then it is given that you are bound, your time is under someone else control, and you can't do anything. Why? Because companies buy your time as they pay you. And if you are working for a big corporate company or your job position demands, then you might have to respond to the call even on your weekends.

And the idea of being controlled by someone else is enticing many women to say 'goodbye' to the corporate jails and form their own oasis. And companies like are aiding women to achieve their dreams by providing them easy loans.

Workplace Discrimination:
If you think that gone are the days when men's opinion was given more preference than women's opinion, then you are wrong. Besides pay inequality, women still face workplace discrimination in many other ways.

Criteria of promotion, salary increment, and acceptance of ideas of women are different from men. This situation not only hurts their self-esteem, but they also feel demotivated to progress and advance in life.

And it is one of the biggest reasons that women prefer to own business.

Flexible Lifestyle:
If you are an employee, then you have to follow set rules and timetable, and a bit change in them simply means poor reviews in monthly assessment report or deduction in salary.

You have to come at a particular time, and your off timings are also fixed, and in case of emergency, things become difficult to handle.

And this inflexible lifestyle becomes worst for the women who have to take care of their children or parents or both.

So women go for entrepreneurship to bring balance, flexibility, and stability in professional and family life.

Things are changing at a fast pace today, and the corporate sector is no exception. Many women are coming out to change their earning ways which is casting positive impact on their lives and economy. Societal factors, and personal issues are encouraging women to step up their game of becoming their own boss, and it is all for good reasons.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash


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