Steph de Sousa Redkite eBook Interview

Steph de Sousa Redkite eBook Interview

For The Love Of Bread

Sandwich recipe eBook celebrates unsung hero of childhood cancer

The humble loaf of bread is being celebrated for the major role it plays in supporting children and young people with cancer and their families in a new eBook, For the love of bread, launched by leading national children's cancer charity, Redkite.

For the past seven years, the household staple has been the hero of the partnership Redkite has with Coles, with five cents from the sale of specially marked loaves of Coles Own Brand bread donated to Redkite.

To date, sales of Coles Own Brand bread have helped to raise more than $22 million for Redkite, enabling practical support to thousands of families living through the upheaval of their child's cancer - from supplying fuel and grocery vouchers to covering the cost of essential household bills.

For the love of bread features 22 feel-good sandwiches, with contributions from families who have received Redkite's support as well as recipes from more famous faces, including media personalities Yvie Jones, Wayne Mott and Tom Walsh.

The Speare family from Queensland is one of the families who shared their favourite recipe after receiving financial and emotional support from Redkite following their son Colby's cancer diagnosis.

"After Colby was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia at just seven years old, he endured 505 days straight in hospital before he was finally discharged," said Colby's mum, Kim.

"From day dot, Redkite was there for our family, helping us navigate our cancer journey through all the highs, lows and never-ending treatments. They showed us that no one has to face cancer alone.

"Nearly ten years later, we still feel the love from Redkite. We're proud to contribute Colby's Cheesy Spaghetti Toastie to show other families like ours that they have the support of the community to conquer childhood cancer."

Redkite CEO, Monique Keighery said For the love of bread gives the unassuming loaf of bread the recognition it deserves because it helps raise desperately needed funds for the charity and build awareness of Redkite and its work.

"This amazing loaf of bread has changed the cancer experience for thousands of families across the country, but there is still so much work to be done. Right now, there are still families we're not reaching and who are going through cancer alone."

"By making a small purchasing decision to choose the Coles Own Brand bread featuring a little red kite, you're extending a lifeline to some of our most vulnerable community members and playing an important role in easing their cancer journey," Ms Keighery said.

Coles Group CEO Steven Cain said Coles was grateful to customers who supported Redkite by purchasing specially marked loaves of Coles Own Brand bread.

"Thanks to our customers who have bought specially-marked Coles Own Brand bread, Redkite has been able to support children and families affected by cancer on more than 113,000 occasions," he said.

To download the free For the love of bread eBook or support Redkite, visit:

Interview with Masterchef's Steph de Sousa

Question: What is For The Love Of Bread?

Steph de Sousa: For the Love of Bread is a sandwich recipe eBook by national children's cancer charity, Redkite. The free-to-download eBook is a collection of feel-good sandwich recipes, celebrating the humble loaf of bread for the major role it plays in supporting young children with cancer and their families.

For the past seven years, the household staple has been the hero of Redkite's partnership with Coles, with five cents from the sale of specially marked loaves of Coles Own Brand bread donated to Redkite so that they can continue to provide support to families affected by their child's cancer.

Question: How does For The Love Of Bread support Redkite?

Steph de Sousa: To date, sales of Coles Own Brand bread have helped to raise more than $22 million for Redkite. For the Love of Bread aims to raise awareness of this incredible initiative and encourage people to make a small change to their weekly bread run so that Redkite can continue to do the great work they do for those around us that are struggling with their child's cancer.

Question: Why did you decide to team up with Redkite for this eBook?

Steph de Sousa: I've lost both my Father and Nanna to cancer, so I've seen firsthand how tough it can be on all aspects of life. I imagine those feelings are only amplified when a child lies at the center of it. I wanted to team up with Redkite for this eBook to show those families that are facing their child's cancer that they aren't alone – there is an entire support network that helps them deal with the challenges of cancer that are beyond health, and this eBook is living proof.

Question: Can you share a sandwich recipe, with us?

Steph de Sousa: You'll have to check out my Chicken Schnitzel Sandwich recipe in the eBook – it's a crowd favourite!

Question: Why does this recipe hold special memories, for you?

Steph de Sousa: Anything my kids love holds special memories for me, but this is one that they all love which is rare when you have four kids to please. There's usually always one that's not happy when you serve something up. When you are a Mum it is a constant balancing act of trying to please everyone.

Question: What's a typical day like, for you, at the moment?

Steph de Sousa: Right now, I am touring India, meeting as many MasterChef fans as I can and also eating as much as I can. I am trying to forge a media career in food for myself and India is a key ingredient for me. I really want to share my love of spice and India with Australia. I feel Australia has an Idea of Indian food and culture which really isn't accurate. The movies and Indian takeaway food outlets in Australia have not done it justice at all – I want to show you the real, amazing India.

Question: Can you tell us about The Last Supper?

Steph de Sousa: The Last Supper Podcast with Steph de Sousa is my baby! It is an amazing indulgence for me to be able to spend 15 to 20 minutes speaking to influential foodies about the food they love and why. It nearly always leads to heart-melting stories of cooking and eating with grandma's and mum's, summer holiday feasts, cultural influences, beachside picnics… Then I share these beautiful conversations with everyone to listen to on the podcast.

Question: What five ingredients could you not live without?

Steph de Sousa: This is so hard for me because I love so many. Butter would be a priority being brought up in North West Tasmania where the dairy is unbelievable. Closely followed by Kashmir chillies for their flavour and amazing red colour, star anise for its amazing ability to turn something like a chicken stock into an incredible sweet and spicy soup or a vanilla ice cream into an exotic delight. Fourth would be school prawns – so sweet and versatile. Lastly, Indian garlic. It's so small and subtle and goes perfectly with butter and prawns.

Question: What's next for you?
Steph de Sousa: Whatever comes my way. Ever since leaving MasterChef my standard response is "yes". Then I work out how later. I am currently working with a production company In Mumbai, developing an idea we have been working on. I can't say much because it is still under negotiation, but let's just say my dreams are slowly coming true.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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