
Cast: Natalia Novakova, Bruce Myles, Wendy Hughes, Kim Gyngell, Alex Menglet
Director: Paul Cox

Directed by Paul Cox (Innocence, My Firs t Wife, Vincent, Lonely Hear ts, Man Of Flowers) Salvation is the tale of Irina, Gloria and Barry. Irina has left her native Russia to support her mother and daughter. She has found herself involved in a life of prostitution, but regards her new-found occupation as a means towards a better life.

Gloria is a tele-evangelist with a thriving churchbusiness. Barry, a biblical scholar, has been supporting and advising his wife Glora for many years butnow he needs out. He craves human warmth, intimacy and love. By confiding and trusting in Irina,Barry finds the strength to share a better life, while Gloria moves closer to her own destiny.

Release Date: 26 February 2009


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