Fabiana Weiner No Pink Cowboys Interview

Fabiana Weiner No Pink Cowboys Interview

Dating is hard when you're already in a relationship

Award-winning dating dramedy No Pink Cowboys has officially launched online. Co-created by actress and producer Fabiana Weiner, this bite-sized six-part series explores the chaos of modern dating and is available to watch in full at www.nopinkcowboys.tv

No Pink Cowboys follows the lives of Annabelle (Fabiana Weiner) and Sam (Jackson Tozer), two ex-lovers-turned-best-friends looking for love everywhere but with each other. Tinder? Check. Waitress at the local café? Check. Random guy in the pub? Check. Single mum in the playground? Check. Furthermore, their failed dating escapades are complicated by the awkward fact they are also housemates. It's a heartfelt and relatable story of love, sex and dating….gone wrong!

No Pink Cowboys was produced by Fabiana Weiner, an Australian actress who, after recognising that her accessibility to suitable roles in the industry was limited, saw great potential in the online space to develop herself as a multifaceted creative. With a creative agency background, Weiner decided to take matters into her own hands and, along with Jonathon Gittus (writer, director and co-creator), she self-funded the production, such was her belief in the project. "When we set out to create Cowboys, we knew we were onto something special" says Weiner, "as our first indie web series complete from start to finish, we were 100% committed to the story of Sam and Annabelle".

It seems the hard work is paying off, No Pink Cowboys has already received industry recognition, holding a trophy for Best Web Series at the Made in Melbourne Film Festival, a finalist at the Australian Online Video Awards and featured in the Spotlight Section of the 2017 Melbourne Web Fest. Alongside its domestic success, the series has been an official selection at seven international film and web festivals including Miami Web Fest, UK Web Fest held at London's Soho House and recently won an award for Best Dramedy at the Asia Web Awards.

Weiner's story is an inspiring one for budding content creators living in the digital age "I love the saying 'where there's a will, there's a way' - never wait for anyone to give you money, if you have good ideas, make it happen" says Weiner. "Cowboys opened my eyes to the incredible opportunity available to aspiring content creators. The rise of innovation in digital content is only just beginning and we creatives are right in the center of that. Anything is possible because everything's accessible, it's incredibly exciting".

No Pink Cowboys has a bright future if the early buzz is anything to go by and audiences will no doubt relate to the hilarious misadventures of Sam and Annabelle. Binge watching all six episodes is highly recommended! Weiner is currently in development on her first feature film which she co-created with writer Tom Pitts. The bold crime-drama Riverland will be directed and shot by award winning director Christopher Tovo and will star Weiner in the lead role.

Watch No Pink Cowboys online now.

Interview with Fabiana Weiner

Question: How would you describe No Pink Cowboys?

Fabiana Weiner: If you want to feel better about your sex and dating life then Cowboys can help with that - Annabelle and Sam get it so wrong! Cowboys is a fun, naughty and awkward bite size series. It's relatable, current and identifiably Melbourne.

Question: Where did the idea for No Pink Cowboys come from?

Fabiana Weiner: Cowboy's is basically an assessment of our really bad dating lives, thrown on a plate for everyone to laugh at.

Question: Can you talk us through some of the challenges you've faced in the acting industry?

Fabiana Weiner: Access to good auditions and opportunities has been the biggest challenge. Being proactive is really important to me and this was one of the reasons I decided to make the show.

Question: Were you able to relate to any of the experiences of Annabelle and Sam?

Fabiana Weiner: Of course! Who hasn't? Dating, housemates, lovers, bad jobs - we are troubleshooting for our 30's.

Question: How does it feel to have won a Best Web Series award at the Made in Melbourne Film Festival?

Fabiana Weiner: Surprising and amazing! Would love it to happen again sometime...

Question: Where can we watch No Pink Cowboys?

Fabiana Weiner: www.nopinkcowboys.tv

Question: What or who inspired your passion for acting?

Fabiana Weiner: Gena Rowlands, John Cassavetes, Elizabeth Taylor, Alicia Vikander, Daniel Day Lewis, Mike Lee, Juliette Lewis, Woody Allen and Marion Cotillard... just to name a few.

Question: What's next, for you?

Fabiana Weiner: Currently I'm in development on my first feature film that I've co-created with writer Tom Pitts. It's a bold crime-drama called Riverland that has been co-developed, and will be directed and shot by award winning director Christopher Tovo.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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