Eva Longoria Follow Your Passion with Dine Interview

Eva Longoria Follow Your Passion with Dine Interview

Eva Longoria Follow Your Passion with Dine Interview

Question: What's next for you in 2012?

Eva Longoria: After Desperate Housewives I'm going to take a break. I have a couple of movies coming out so I'll be doing press for them, and I'm going to be travelling a lot. I'm also doing a lot of work for the re-election campaign for Obama so I'll be travelling all over the United States campaigning for him and targeting the Latino and the women's community to re-elect him.

Question: Is there anything similar between you and your character Gabrielle?

Eva Longoria: Gabby and I are exact opposites. Playing her has been a lot of fun so I'm definitely going to have Gabby withdrawals. It's always fun to play something or someone you're not as you get to explore feelings you wouldn't usually explore in life. Gabby always says and does things that people wish they could say and do, so I always find playing her really liberating.

Question: You always look amazing. What's your fitness regime?

Eva Longoria: I'm a healthy eater and I'm really into a good diet. I eat pretty healthily and I work out with a personal trainer. I recently cut out sugar from my diet which was harder than you'd think - no rice, no pasta, no bread and nothing which turns into sugar. I did the diet for about 30 days and saw great results so I've kind of just continued along that path.

Question: What are your fashion tastes?

Eva Longoria: My fashion motto is 'comfortable'. I like to be comfortable in my skin but also feel physically comfortable. I do so many events and so many galas and there's nothing worse than sitting in a gown which you can't breathe in. I usually start with comfort and then colour, so they are my two barometers of what I'm going to wear. I love colour and don't like to wear black. I love red, orange, purple and blue.

Question: What fashion designers do you like?

Eva Longoria: I don't have any specific go-to designers as I like to use everybody. I love Latino designers because you can feel the culture threaded through their creations - whether it's Oscar De La Renta or Carolina Herrera - there are so many great ones and I like wearing ethnic designers.

Question: If you weren't an actress, what would you be?

Eva Longoria: If I wasn't an actress, I'd probably be a business woman. I have a very strong business mind and I'm very entrepreneurial. There's much more of a structured path in the business world, which I like. I love having measurable obtainments which is tough in the acting world; you could follow my exact career path but not achieve the same results.

Question: How did you feel about being part of the Dine campaign?

Eva Longoria: I was really excited to be a part of the Dine campaign for 2012. I thought it was brilliant to incorporate passion for life through whatever your interests may be. For me, it's cooking, dancing or acting. I also find passion for relationships really important and some of those relationships happen to be with animals, so I thought it was very clever of Dine to come up with this campaign.

Question: What is the storyline to this commercial?

Eva Longoria: The commercial has a great storyline. It's about a woman who comes home and starts to unwind by switching the radio on and dancing. All the while, her cat is watching her move to the music and once she realises the cat has been watching, she approaches it like they have been lifelong friends - of course, she does this every night. The cat is sort of her confidant, her best friend and always there to welcome her. The way in which the commercial is shot is very mischievous as, at first, you don't know.

Question: What was your favourite scene?

Eva Longoria: I loved filming the dancing scene and filming with the cat. The dancing was fun because I haven't danced in a long time so to be able to let loose in the house and have Martin (Werner, the ad's Director) saying to be creative and to have fun with it - that was pretty liberating. I like cats so both of these scenes were kind of my favourite scenes to shoot.

Question: What are some of the passions in your life?

Eva Longoria: The focus on passion really inspired me to be involved in this campaign as the idea of passion is pretty central to who I am. I'm passionate about cooking, my work and also about my relationships - whether it's with my family, loved ones or animals.

Question: What are your other passions?

Eva Longoria: I have a great passion for philanthropy. About 80% of the time in my day is spent on some sort of charity that I'm working with. I got the philanthropic spirit growing up - it was a passion which my family passed on to me. I work a lot with children and children's health, the Latino and women's community and just advocating for different issues and policies which would help make these people's lives a lot better.

Question: Tell us about your passion for cooking?

Eva Longoria: I have such a passion for cooking and I cook everything - Mexican, Italian, American and French. I created a cookbook which encompassed food from all these cultures and it's kind of a memoir of my life told through food. Cooking is definitely therapeutic for me; I find it really soothing to go home and cook. Some people find cooking quite stressful but I find it really relaxing.

Question: Do you have a favourite type of cat?

Eva Longoria: I don't really have a favourite cat but I tend to love rescue cats. I love mixed breeds and the great alley cat who's just sort of a survivor, so I love people who rescue cats to give them good homes. I find that, when adopted, rescue cats are some of the most loving, loyal cats because they know you saved their life.

Follow Your Passion with Dine

Premium cat food brand, Dine, launched a global TV advert, starring international film and TV star, Eva Longoria. The stylish ad, which playfully teases its audience throughout, is part of the new Dine global campaign 'Follow Your Passion' which will focus on celebrating and fuelling the many passions of cat lovers everywhere.

The advert opens with a beautiful lady, looking effortlessly chic, returning from an evening out. Switching the stereo on, she removes her heels, and starts to unwind by passionately dancing to the music in the comfort of her stylish home. As the camera pans around the room, its focus sets on the lady preoccupied by her passion, it is not at first clear who is watching her. From a distance, we see the iconic grey Dine cat, its gaze playfully following its owner to welcome her.

On noticing her feline friend, the lady kneels to meet the cat and is revealed as Hollywood A-lister, Eva Longoria. Eva lovingly prepares a bowl of Dine for her companion, creating the ad's key moment of passion, followed by the two sharing an intimate moment on the sofa. The closing shot exposes a playful and unassuming side to Eva as she blissfully gulps a carton of milk, with the voiceover: 'My Passion, My Cat, My Choice.' 'Eva Longoria. Cat Lover.'

Eva Longoria commented: "I was thrilled when I read the 'Follow Your Passion' script to learn the ad would incorporate one of my most liberating passions- dancing. The way that the commercial is shot is pretty mischievous as, at first, you don't know the cat is watching me so I think viewers are in for a surprise! It's a really sensual and free-spirited commercial, which, of course, are all characteristics of cats so it's really fitting."

Marni Crookes, Dine Brand Manager says: "We wanted to create something really vibrant and fun with our 2012 campaign which reflected the passionate lives of our consumers but still personified the symbiosis between owner and cat. The storyline merges the woman's passion for life with her passion for her feline relationship. This was brilliantly brought to life by Eva, whose vibrant personality and incredible zest for life comes across in everything she does."

Review: Meowwww! Today was a good day, the sun was out and as I gracefully rub against my owner's leg (best means of communication) as she placed my dinner down which thankfully was Dine Desire Pure Tuna Whitemeat (the lobster of the cat world). Fresh from the tin, Dine Desire is delicious, fishy without being smelly and easy to eat - I finished in record time and as always, asked for more.
I absolutely love being spoilt every day; all I need is a can on Dine Desire, a scratch behind the ears and somewhere warm to nap, all day�
- Bella (the cat)

For more information, visit www.dine.com.au

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