Are Your Friends Holding You Back?

Are Your Friends Holding You Back?

Are Your Friends Holding You Back?


Pat Mesiti, mindset specialist and well-known Australian speaker, believes that your friends have a big influence on how successful you are in life. After working with thousands of people from young men in drug rehab to business executives he has seen proof of this time and time again.

"The influence of others shouldn't be underestimated." says Pat. "I've seen it work both ways - both to the benefit and detriment of people, depending on who they surround themselves by. I've come to the conclusion that everyone needs certain types of friends to help them to succeed – all for different reasons. And in turn, everyone needs to be one of those type of helpful friends to others."

These are the eight types of friends Pat thinks we should all have:

Builder: These rare treasures are the kind of people who are really interested in your development and genuinely want to see you succeed. They will go the extra mile to help identify your strengths and how to make the most of them. These friends lead you to achieve more and be a better person.

Champion: This is the friend who tells everyone how great you are – even when you're not there. You are really lucky if you have one of these. They can't be found, they just show up. Often it's their whispered words in someone's ear that can open doors for you.

Companion: The loyal person who is always there for you no matter what. They are the first person you call if things go wrong and often sense your thoughts and feelings before you say or do anything.

Connector: This is that friend who loves to hook you up with opportunities to meet others and widen your network. They're the one that invites you to dinners and parties so you can make new contacts, for both business and personal reasons. If your connector knows you need a better accountant, they will arrange you to meet one they know. If they know you're feeling lonely, they'll invite you to come to a party to meet new people.

Energiser: It's always wonderful to be around your energiser friends. They are the friends who you feel immediately relaxed around no matter what mood you're in. They have an amazing ability to figure out what makes you happy and can make a bad day good and a good day even better.

Mind Opener: We all get stuck in our ways but your mind opener friend will show you new experiences and get you to try things you've never considered before - be it food, clothes, places, books of hobbies. Mind openers make our lives much more interesting.

Navigator: Sometimes we need guidance and help staying on the best path for us. This is when you see your navigator friend. They will always talk through the pros and cons and help you find and answer to problems without making you feel judged.

Collaborator: Shared interests are the basis of many a good friendship and we should all have friends with the same passions, joys and dreams as us. When you talk with a collaborator you are on common ground. Collaboration equals multiplication and together you can achieve amazing things.

If you have all eight of these, consider yourself very lucky as they will help you to experience life to the fullest. If not, it might be time to do some weeding out of toxic friendships to make way for newer, more supportive ones.

Good friends will help you succeed and being a good friend will help others succeed. Make sure you appreciate those who help you and always look for ways to make others lives' fuller.

Pat Mesiti is an author of 8 books including his latest out through Wiley - Path way to Prosperity.  Pat is an in demand speaker across the world for inspiring people to produce bigger results through their mindset. He has shared the platform globally with some of the world's most influential people including Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump Allan Pease and many more. He has raised over half a million dollars for charity and is committed to help raise 10,000 millionaires through his works.


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