Stephen Eddey Fertility Interview

Stephen Eddey Fertility Interview

Stephen Eddey Fertility Interview

Blackmores Conceive Well Men™
Male fertility support

Blackmores Conceive Well Men™ is scientifically formulated, providing an advanced combination of key nutrients to support sperm health including the active form of CoQ10 Ubiquinol.

Co-enzyme Q10 and Ubiquinol are present at high levels in sperm, protect sperm cells from damage and play a role in sperm cell energy production and motility.

Ubiquinol is an antioxidant, the active form of co-enzyme Q10

Interview with Stephen Eddey

Stephen Eddey is a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath and is the Principal of Australia's longest established natural medicine college, Health Schools Australia. He has completed a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine as well as a Masters in Health Science and is studying a PhD in Nutritional Medicine.

Question: What are your top three reproductive tips for males?

Stephen Eddey: 1. Ubiquinol has been shown to support and maintain healthy levels of sperm in men
2. Keep sexually active! Regular sex can help improve the sperm quality for men
3. Talk about fertility as a couple- both of you will need to be in good health

Question: What are your top three reproductive tips for females?

Stephen Eddey: These are obvious but still essential factors for maintaining a healthy reproductive system

1. Maintain a healthy body weight
2. Avoid smoking, as this affects how receptive the uterus is to the egg
3. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Question: What are the five fertility ingredients we may not be aware of?

Stephen Eddey: 1. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium and selenium is essential for normal sperm production, with the highest concentration being found in the testes.
Men only require around 2 Brazil nuts per day to achieve their daily intake, or 100- 200 mcg/day if taken in supplement form. Semen is high in selenium and needs to be replenished regularly as a deficiency can cause fragile sperm with easily broken tails.
Brazil Nuts are also high in antioxidants and they contain natural cholesterol, which gets converted into testosterone.

2. Zinc
Zinc is an antimicrobial mineral and one of the most important nutrients for male, as well as female fertility.
Foods packed full of zinc include spinach, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and mushrooms.
Zinc also boosts immunity which may help ward off the dreaded -man flu' and assist you and your partner's energy levels in the bedroom.

3. Ubiquinol
Ubiquinol is a powerful antioxidant which is found naturally in the body, however, it has been indicated that your Ubiquinol levels can decrease over time, suggesting that it has a close relationship with ageing and oxidative stress.
Now, scientists have discovered that Ubiquinol could be one of the key ingredients in fertility and may help to support healthy sperm. A recent study found that Ubiquinol was significantly effective in men with unexplained infertility issues, for improving sperm numbers, sperm motility and abnormally shaped sperm.

4. Salmon
Salmon is a rich source of healthy, omega-3 fats, which can help support female reproductive hormones and blood flow and reduce inflammation in the body; all of which are believed to have a positive effect on fertility.

5. Beetroots
Beetroots are a rich source of folate (different to folic acid) and are believed to help boost male fertility as poor levels of the vitamin (also known as vitamin B9) have been linked to low sperm count and decreased sperm mobility.
Beetroots also contain lots of nitrates which have been said to help combat age related infertility.

Question: Are there supplements women should take to increase their fertility?

Stephen Eddey: There are supplements that both men and women can take to increase their fertility.

We know how important folic acid is for women trying to conceive but it is equally important for men to support sperm development and maturation. According to research published in Human Reproduction, a significant relationship between daily folate intake and lower frequencies of sperm aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes) were found. Folate can be found in a number of foods such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach, bananas, strawberries, chickpeas and lentils. Folic acid can also be taken via supplementation.

Not just found in orange juice but in a range of foods including, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, cabbage and kale; Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant found in the testes and can easily be incorporated into more meals you share as a couple. Vitamin C has been shown to help improve sperm motility. This is important for sperm that clump together and have difficulty swimming.

Always check in with your healthcare professional before adding a supplement to you or your partner's diet.

Question: How can women interfere with her partner's health regime?

Stephen Eddey: Perhaps interfere is too strong a word.

When it comes to baby making, it takes two to tango! Often women take control of their health when trying for a baby. This may include a nutrition make over and inclusion of a range of key supplements such as iron, iodine and folic acid. However, it's not just the health profile of the female's egg which will promote conception; the man's sperm similarly need to be strong swimmers for success in the fertility race.

If your partner is less proactive about their sperm health, there are a few dietary and lifestyle measures you can take to ensure their swimmers are ready to race. This may include adding certain foods such as the ones suggested above.

Always remember to visit your healthcare professional if you and your partner are struggling to conceive.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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