Home School Screen-ED also good for sharing office space

Home School Screen-ED also good for sharing office space

A solution for parents navigating a new world of working and learning from home

Parents are thrust into the chaos of working and learning from home simultaneously where the dining room table has become the coveted and chaotic epicentre of the home.

With many parents now working from home and simultaneously monitoring their children's schooling during the COVID-19 crisis, the home environment and way we work and learn has shifted dramatically. This has caused parents to feel overwhelmed and look for methods to better navigate this new environment.

Daily Zoom meetings coupled with phone calls and online learning has created an acoustic bedlam where listening, learning and literacy become challenging for everyone.

Mumble by Design, an acoustic solutions company, specialising in addressing the issue of sound quality in large open plan spaces, is helping families navigate the anxiety and chaos of managing the new home working and learning environment through innovative, stylish and affordable screens. Mumble™ uses Australian- Made products to treat high frequency sounds, such as speech and laughter, to reduce echo and ultimately ensure better learning and working outcomes.

Mumble™ 's latest innovation focuses on the home-schooling aspect and consists of a Home School Screen-ED™. Screen-ED™, which is used in schools across Australia and the world; is now available as singles for home-schoolers and workers which eases sound distractions, create individual workspaces and assist with the monitoring of online activity.

Jacqueline Hawksworth, Founder of Mumble by Design says: "We have always been focused on providing sound quality solutions in large open plan spaces such as schools and offices. But now with COVID-19, families are also finding a need for these solutions at their dining table which also acts as a work desk and craft station – often at the same time! Mumble's products are designed to lessen the chaos and allow families to create a space that allows them to focus and push away other distractions that otherwise might affect productivity and learning."

Screen – ED™ will not only shield out noise and distractions but will also provide another line of defence in hampering the transmission of disease spreading by coughing and talking at shared workspaces. Providing a visual reminder to stay within personal space and to distance oneself from people next to you.

Screen-ED™ offers a practical solution by giving the ability for parents to:

  • transform dining tables into a joint working environment by creating individual workspaces for working parent and students.
  • monitor unwanted online activity that can sometimes occur with children who are isolated in their bedrooms
  • aid in reducing unwanted echo and sounds created phone and video calls.
  • provide optimum acoustics to assist in focused learning

Available for purchase through Mumble by Design is a great at home learning and working solution for families feeling the strain of this new day-to-day life. Helping parents to not look at this situation as a challenge, but to focus on keeping the household engaged and acoustically benefited during this period of change.


Single Screen-ED™ is $30 or sold in a pack of 5 for $145.00


For more information, visit: http://mumblebydesign.com/


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