Nice Girls Can Finish First

Nice Girls Can Finish First

Nice Girls Can Finish First

Getting the results you want and the respect you deserve

The nice girls' guide to getting ahead - without getting mean

Are you a People Pleaser? Do you put up with put-downs? Say yes when you're dying to say no? Sit down when you should be standing up for yourself?

Well, you're in luck. This step-by-step guide from a self described former DoorMat shows that you don't have to be a demanding diva or bitch to get what you want. Ther's a "nice" way to be assertive - in business and in life. Once you learn the secret, you can.

Speak up - without shouting
Say no - without sounding negative
Be strong - without being aggressive
Get respect - without getting tough
Ask for anything you want - and get it.

"Schwartz proves that we don't have to be bitches to be taken seriously in the world: in business and in our personal lives. The more we read books like this the more it will sink into our brains that we have been programmed to please".
Nina Disesa, chairman of McCann Erickson new York and author of 'Seducing the Boys Club'.

"This book is a must read in today's world were, thankfully, 'nice' is finally getting the respect it deserves. 'Nice Girls Can Finish First' offers brilliant tools and savvy advice for making 'nice' work for you in business and in life. Nice girls do finish first, and this is their 'how-to' manual."
Linda Kaplan Thaler, CEO of Kaplan Thaler Group and bestselling author of 'The Power of Nice'.

Daylle Deanna Schwartz is a well-known author, blogger, speaker, and self-empowerment counselor with a master's degree in psychology. For more information go to www.

Nice Girls Can Finish FirstAuthor: Daylle Deanna SchwartzISBN: 9780071609074


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