Lady Jayne Fine Tooth Nit Combs

Lady Jayne Fine Tooth Nit Combs

Lady Jayne Fine Tooth Nit Combs

As mums get ready to send children back to school after the summer holidays, they also prepare to face their old nemesis "the nit". Lady Jayne is helping mothers prepare to fight the enemy this new year with their effective range of head lice and nit combs.

Summer brings perfect weather for head lice and nits. As children head back to school and start to play closely in large groups in the warm weather, the spread of head lice is almost inevitable.

Head lice and nits are a fact of life for Australian parents with approximately 23%* of Australian children suffering a head lice outbreak annually. Any parent who has had to deal with these pesty creepy crawlies knows how annoying and expensive this problem can be to eradicate.

Head lice are tiny, wingless, egg-laying insects that live, breed and feed on the human scalp. They are around 3.5mm long and vary in colour from whitish brown to reddish brown. Nits are the eggs of head lice, which stick to the hair close to the scalp.

Nits are hard, yellow-white in colour and can be found glued to the hair shaft close to the scalp. Nits resemble dandruff but cannot be brushed out. Nits hatch within 7-10 days and mature into lice within 10 days. If eggs are found more than 1.5cm from the scalp they are either hatched or dead.

An Australian mother recently found it so frustrating that her daughter was continually getting head lice from school that she successfully held Clairgate Primary School in St Clair NSW, liable for head lice treatment costs after being successfully treated at a professional salon.

The landmark case calls on action from all State and Federal Government Health and Education Departments beyond arming Australian parents with nit combs. However, it is vital that Australian parents to keep fighting this horrible pest at home.

If parents see little hands constantly itching scalps, closer inspection should reveal live lice crawling close to the scalp or eggs (nits) stuck to the hair shaft. This means it's time to call in the big guns with Lady Jayne's range of combs.

According to James Cook University the most effective form of treatment to beat head lice and nits is the 'conditioner and comb' treatment. This involves combing conditioner through an infestation.

Lady Jayne Fine Tooth Nit Combs have been specially designed to identify and remove lice and nits. Available in two colours, the black comb is used for the detection of eggs (as they are yellow-white in colour) and the ivory coloured comb is used to detect and remove hatched lice (as they are red-brown in colour).

Apply store-bought head lice shampoo to all parts of the hair. Comb through hair using a Lady Jayne Wet Care Comb. Then put hair into sections and using the black Lady Jayne comb first, carefully comb shampoo through each section and then repeat with the ivory comb.

To ensure you get rid of all head lice and nits you must complete two treatments, a week apart. The first treatment removes the climbers, and the second kills the juvenile lice hatched over the week.

The 5-Step Conditioner & Comb Method:Anyone can catch head lice and having them is not a sign of poor hygiene. They have no preference for cleanliness, ethnic background, hair colour, hair type or age.

Lice cannot fly or jump; instead they crawl from scalp to scalp or are transferred by sharing brushes, combs or hair accessories. This makes children particularly susceptible to outbreaks because they often play in very close proximity to each other.

Lady Jayne Fine Tooth Nit Combs, Pk2: RRP $2.99
Lady Jayne Wet Care Comb: RRP $5.99
Lady Jayne Metal Tooth Nit Comb: RRP $10.99


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