Dr. Brooke Niemiec Pet Dental Health Month Interview

Dr. Brooke Niemiec Pet Dental Health Month Interview

Dr. Brooke Niemiec Pet Dental Health Month Interview

80 per cent of dogs have some degree of periodontal disease by three years of age and despite dental disease being highly common amongst dogs, most pet owners are unaware of the warning signs.

OraVet® Dental Hygiene Chews are on a mission to improve the dental hygiene of dogs in Australia during Pet Dental Month in August. To encourage dog owners educated on the importance of having their dogs' teeth checked, OraVet® is providing free samples* to over 2,300 vet clinics across Australia to get 'paws through doors' throughout August.

OraVet® Dental Hygiene Chews are the only dental chews for dogs with world-leading technology to combat bad breath using a special ingredient, delmopinol.

OraVet® has also brought out world-leading veterinary dental specialist, Dr. Brook Niemiec from the U.S. to Australia to educate vets and dog owners about dental disease and therapy with the support of dental specialist Dr. Clarke from Hallam Vet Clinic in Melbourne.

Dr. Niemiec said, "It is a common misconception that bad dogs' breath is normal, when in fact this is almost always caused by dental disease. Dental disease can come in many forms such as gingivitis, teeth loss and gum bleeding. Unfortunately, I often treat dogs with severe dental disease because their pet owners are unaware of the symptoms and do not seek proper treatment in time."

In support of this message, Australian veterinary dental specialist, Dr. David Clarke from Hallam Vet Clinic in Melbourne said, "Left without cleaning, plaque and tartar continue to build up on dog's teeth, leading to further bad breath and gum disease. There are numerous significant local and regional consequences of oral infection, including, abscesses and tooth loss.

"OraVet's® initiative to provide dog owners with free samples in vet clinics throughout Pet Dental Month in August is a fantastic way to drive awareness amongst dog owners on the importance of getting their dogs' teeth checked." Dr. Clarke added.

Boehringer Ingelheim's Technical Services Manager for Pets, Dr. Brooke Niemiec, said, "Like humans, dogs need regular cleaning to remove the plaque and tartar buildup that can cause bad breath and gum disease. OraVet® Chews have been clinically proven to significantly reduce halitosis (bad breath) by preventing bacterial attachment and reducing plaque build-up, and they taste good too, which makes it easy for dog owners to administer"

Interview with Dr. Brooke Niemiec

Question: What message do you hope to spread this Pet Dental Health Month to Australians?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec: Taking care of our pet's oral health is absolutely critical.

90% of dogs have some form of gum disease by just 1 year of age, and despite dental disease being highly common amongst dogs, most pet owners are unaware of the warning signs.

Question: What do Australian dog owners need to know about their pooches' pearly whites?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec: Left without cleaning, plaque and tartar continue to build up on dog's teeth, leading to bad breath and gum disease.

Gum disease can trigger complications in their liver and heart which may increase the risk of premature death.

Question: What symptoms should we smell and look for with a dog's teeth?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec:: It is a common misconception that bad dogs' breath is normal, when in fact this is always caused by dental disease. Dental disease can come in many forms such as gingivitis, loose teeth, tooth loss, and gum bleeding.

I often treat dogs with severe dental disease because their pet owners are unaware of the symptoms and do not seek proper treatment in time.

Question: How can we prevent dental disease in our pets?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec: We can prevent dental disease in our pets and improve their overall health by regularly cleaning our dog's teeth to remove the plaque and tartar that can build up.

OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews have been clinically proven to significantly reduce halitosis (bad breath) by preventing bacterial attachment and reducing plaque build-up, and they taste good too, which makes it easy for dog owners to administer.

Question: Can you tell us about how OraVet are raising awareness?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec: Oravet are raising awareness of dental disease amongst dogs by supplying over 2,300 vet clinics across Australia with free samples of Oravet to get dog owners educated on the importance of having their dogs' teeth checked.

Question: Are you surprised that pet owners spend up to a third of their disposable income on their pets?

  Dr. Brooke Niemiec: Not at all, our pets are often seen as cherished members of the family. I certainly think of my Labrador as part of the family.

Question: How often should our dogs be visiting the vet?

Dr. Brooke Niemiec:At least annually.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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