The Parisian Diet

The Parisian Diet

The Parisian Diet

First there was The Atkins Diet, then The South Beach Diet, next came The Dukan Diet – now The Parisian Diet is here: taking the world by storm.

It's the diet that Europeans are flocking to, and now it's available in Australia. Over half a million French men and women have followed the advice of Dr Jean-Michel Cohen to find their right weight and then maintain it. With The Parisian Diet, you'll enjoy eating with a French twist, drawing from a European tradition of regularly spaced meals featuring delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare recipes.

Dr Cohen starts with the premise that one size does not fit all. It may be an impossible ideal to aim for size 8, so finding the right weight for you and setting that goal is the first important step.

Modelled on healthy French eating habits, The Parisian Diet is a three-phase solution. Start with the Café phase, move to Bistro and end up on the Gourmet plan! And on this diet, even -taboo foods' are allowed in a controlled way: pasta, potatoes, bread, and, of course, a glass of wine.

What is brilliant about The Parisian Diet is that once you reach your right weight, you can return to normal eating. You will have gained an understanding of how your body and mind works when it comes to food, as well as training your appetite. It's likely you will have broken old – and bad – habits and cleared up some misconceptions about food. You will have the strategies and tools to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life.

Bon appétit!

Dr Jean-Michel Cohen is France's leading diet and nutrition expert. He is regularly called on by the French media as an expert on topics relating to nutrition and food. He has written more than a dozen books, hosted a popular reality TV weight-loss show, and his international diet coaching websites have an online community of more than 400,000 subscribers

The Parisian Diet: How to Reach Your Right Weight and Stay There
Author: Dr Jean-Michel Cohen
RRP: $29.95


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