5 Natural Energy-Boosting Habits

5 Natural Energy-Boosting Habits

5 Natural Energy-Boosting Habits

By Heidi Meyer


Let's face it, we're a nation of coffee drinkers! It's certainly true – coffee does increase alertness and give you a little kick-start in the morning, but…. are there alternative options that are better for you, yet still give the same result?

Whether you're a flat white, latte or piccolo person, Clinical Nutritionist Heidi Meyer from be…health! -life-changing nutrition' is forever encouraging Aussies to be adventurous and try other natural ways to get an energy boost in the morning.

Heidi says, 'Generally speaking, a cup of coffee per day isn't bad for you; but, that really depends what is added to it! Putting in shots of syrup, sugar and artificial sweeteners is what can potentially bring you down! Whilst there's general increase in awareness on the potential risks with adding sugars, I still see it sneaking in to coffees around town!"

So, why should you look for other ways to boost your energy?
We're all getting busier and more stressed – caffeine can -tip us over the edge!'
Coffee can lead to digestive discomfort for some people.
We can become tolerant to effects of coffee – requiring more and more for a lift!
Coffee can give you bad breath!

Heidi's top alternatives for a natural lift include:
1. Get up and do some exercise! Even just take a brisk walk around the block, it's a great way to fire up your metabolism for the day!
2. Try an alternative! Look for a natural sugar-free energy drink like 28 Black Açai Sugarfree, a great swap especially during the warmer months when you need a refreshing and energizing drink in one!
3. Make sure you get an excellent night's sleep – wear an eye mask to block out any light!
4. Eat some quality protein in the morning! Eggs, Nuts, Seeds, Salmon – the list goes on!
5. Do something every day that you love. This has a stress-reducing effect that your body will thank you for!

Heidi is a degree-qualified clinical nutritionist, with a holistic, whole-foods approach!

Heidi has worked in the health industry for over five years, having studied in Australia and abroad. A background in travel, sports and event management has developed Heidi's understanding of human behaviour, stress and its effect on our overall health and dietary choices.

Heidi focuses on optimising day-to-day living, through diet, lifestyle factors and nutritional therapy. She enjoys working with people from all walks of life, helping them to institute changes that can become life-long health habits.


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