Sydney Beer Co Job Applications

Sydney Beer Co Job Applications

Are you a habitual clock watcher? Do you start your Monday dreaming about Friday drinks? In a world-first initiative, Sydney beer makers, Sydney Beer Co, have opened applications for a unique new role created to find an employee with a passion for its beer above all else, someone who'll prioritise a drink before doing any 'actual' work.

The lucky individual in this new role will be rewarded with the world's most novel job title: Chief Clock-Off Officer (CCOO). And the job really isn't too good to be true…

The ultimate candidate should be a dynamic 'afternoon person' who needs no excuse to leave work early. They will lead by example by switching their Out-of-Office on and getting to the most important business – raising a Sydney Beer Co lager with friends, family or the colleagues they've actively led out of the office for a 'brainstorm' session.

The role of the CCOO will involve keeping your eyes firmly on the clock and encouraging others to clock off on time – or early if they wish – to enjoy those golden afternoon hours that come with a Sydney summer – or, as we call it, 'Sydney Time'.

It's time to take back 9 to 5 and get back to the essence of a having great time.

Sydney Beer Co. Co-Founder Matt Siely says, "We're curious to find Sydney's ultimate work-life balance crusader who will take enormous pride in helping people enjoy 'Sydney Time', from the boardroom to the beaches. We enjoy our beer and good times – and we're looking for others who feel the same way."

"We're looking forward to hearing stories from prospective candidates who aim to make the most of Sydney Time and how they plan to get more people on board with the Sydney Time movement!"

If you think you have what it takes to champion 'Sydney Time' and enjoy great beer at your leisure, get in touch and tell Sydney Beer Co. why you're the best person for the job. Applicants are invited to be as creative as they like! All applications will be reviewed by Sydney Beer Co's founders to find the most suitable applicant.


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