Rowdy McLean Play A Bigger Game Interview

Rowdy McLean Play A Bigger Game Interview

Rowdy McLean Play A Bigger Game Interview

Rowdy is an International Keynote Speaker, Author, Business and Leadership consultant. A successful entrepreneur that also loves adventure, Rowdy retired from the first company he created at just 34. He has since created 5 more successful companies from the ground up. He was head hunted to turn around one of Australia' s largest hospitality companies and as the CEO took it from almost bankrupt to significant profits in less than 3 years.

Rowdy has spoken to over 250,000 people in the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia. His book 'Play a Bigger Game has been published in 7 countries. He has played professional Rugby League, run marathons, climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, kayaked among the icebergs in Antarctica, tracked gorillas in the jungles of Rwanda and the big 5 animals on the plains of the Serengeti. Taking leadership groups into the heart of Arnhem land to learn about leadership and legacy or across the Tasman to discover the links between possibility, risks and rewards is one of the things he enjoys the most. He works with some of the worlds top companies including Macquarie bank, Suncorp Group, Volvo, LJ Hooker, Hoyts, Gloria Jeans and many others.

Rowdy is a game changer. He continues to push the boundaries of work and life, to stretch peoples thinking and open their eyes to possibilities. He is obsessed with playing a bigger game and believes that individuals, teams, leaders and businesses are capable of far more than they imagine.

A fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, the Customer Service Institute of Australia, and a recipient of the Certified Speaking Professional (the highest honour awarded to speakers across the globe) Rowdy is a life long learner, he has a Masters in Business Administration and a graduate of the Disney Institute.

Most importantly, Rowdy is down to earth, practical and real. He walks his talk day in day out, a no nonsense guy with a pragmatic approach to getting ahead.

Interview with Rowdy McLean

Question: What inspired your passion for motivational speaking?

Rowdy McLean: I have had a remarkable life. From growing up in a little country town and going nowhere to playing professional sport, building a company and retiring at 34 and then building 5 more because I got bored. I have a knack for getting things done, turning things around, finding a way when there seems to be none. I found that other people would get inspired by my stories and strategies. I love the instant feedback you get from an audience when you are able to inspire them to chase down their dreams and I am still hearing from people years after I have spoken to their team or company.

Question: How would you describe Play A Bigger Game?

Rowdy McLean: Playing a bigger game is stretching yourself to improve, be better, grow and do things you never thought possible. Its choosing not to accept the status quo, or to accept average or ordinary. Its choosing to be an example that others can follow.

Question: What inspired the concept of Play A Bigger Game?

Rowdy McLean: The concept came from a conversation with close friends. I was trying to come up with a name for what I do and my friends were throwing in their two cents worth. A guy called Nils said to the group ' whenever I am in Rowdy's presence. I feel like I should be playing a bigger game" The others all went 'that's it" So its what I do, it rubs off on people.

Question: Can you talk us through your Play a Bigger Game focus?

Rowdy McLean: The play a bigger game focus is pretty simple. Take control of the controllable things in your world. Own your attitude at all time. Take full responsibility for your choices. Execute with absolute integrity every single time. Stick at your goals longer than you, your friends, your family or your colleagues think you need to. For most of us, success is just around the corner.

Question: How important is thinking successfully in business?

Rowdy McLean: The one thing business owners don't do enough of, is take time time out to work on the business. Its hard to think about playing a bigger game in business when you are working so hard inside the business. As the owner and leader you need to be able to develop and articulate a vision and game plan for the future.

Question: What are your top tips for creating the work-space we need to succeed?

Rowdy McLean: Ultimately we need think time, creative time and innovation time. The best way to get that time is to 1. Make an appointment with yourself. Block out the time and show up for the appointment. 2. Isolate yourself. Turn off the phone. Get out of the office. This time is an investment in the future and is valuable. Do not allow it to be interrupted. Find your ideal space and a method to capture and track your ideas.

Question: Can you provide your five-steps to getting crystal clear regarding relationships?

Rowdy McLean: Getting clear on your relationships is critical to your success.
1. You become the some of the people you spend the most time with. Make sure you hang out with go getters
2. Beware the dream stealers. They are experts on everything, yet never done anything. Remove these people from your world.
3. Know who is boss. Every relationship should be built on mutual respect, but there can be only one boss. Be clear on who the leader is.
4. Trust is the ultimate glue in relationships. In cannot be asked for, it has to be earned and when you have it, you must treat it as an extremely valuable gift. Once broken, you may never get it back.
5.Be first. Be the conversation starter, the relationship builder, the coffee organizer. Everyone wants relationships, networks, friends and acquaintances but no one wants to get the game started. Everyone loves and remembers the person that makes the connection

Question: Do you have a website we can visit?

Rowdy McLean: Do you have what it takes to Play a Bigger Game? Visit

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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