Robbi Mostina Letters I Never Sent Interview

Robbi Mostina Letters I Never Sent Interview

Robbi Mostina Letters I Never Sent Interview

Robbi Mostina is a 19 year old Singer, Songwriter and Composer who has just completed her first EP 'Letters I Never Sent.' Her first single 'Lullaby' was written for her twin sister who was waiting for her crush to 'cross the line' and finally ask her on a date.

Robbi is Brisbane born and bred and has been involved in every aspect of the production of this EP from the get go. She took the opportunity to learn the industry from the ground up beginning with writing all 6 songs, designing her own album art and being heavily involved in every aspect of recording and producing.

With journals full of song lyrics born from love, loss, disappointment, amazement, great moments and belly laughs; Robbi sat down at the end of Grade 12 and wrote her first song; it was born from the frustration of not knowing how to get to where she wanted to go, but knowing with all her heart that one day she would get there.

In December of 2010, she performed her first original songs in front of a live audience, and was stunned at the response she received. After putting her first song 'Imperfect' in the public forum, she has received rave reviews on MySpace, YouTube and from industry insiders.

Robbi's lyrics have been described as heartfelt, emotional and honest. Her ability to lose herself in her music when life gets tough, and her natural instinct to stand up and try again when she gets knocked over, means this is no one trick pony. With many albums worth of songs written and waiting in the wings she is in for the long haul.

Robbi dabbled with the idea of modelling before embracing her music career and considering that her favourite thing to do on modelling shoots was to pull funny faces and see if she could get a laugh…that may be for the best!

To her family, she is the crazy kid who has regular 'Robbi Moments' that make you either fall over laughing or shake your head. But, with a guitar in her hand and an audience, that funny and shy girl shines like no other.

Interview with Robbi Mostina

Question: How would you describe Letters I Never Sent?

Robbi Mostina: Letters I Never Sent is a six song EP I wrote about the times I wish I would've spoken up and said what I had to say but instead swallowed my words and walked away. It's about love, loss, believing in yourself and standing up for yourself and what you believe in.

Question: How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?

Robbi Mostina: The first time I heard my song played on the radio my family and I were all sitting in our car. I was really sick because I had just got four wisdom teeth pulled out hours before, but it was surreal. I went from having nothing to having a song on the radio and radio interviews in six months. I guess when you want something bad enough, nothing is impossible.

Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Robbi Mostina: I didn't realise how much hard work the industry involved. And I was really naive about working with people. Learning to be assertive to get what you want and not walked over and to get people to do what you need them to do was a huge lesson I had to learn really quickly.

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Robbi Mostina: Yes, I write all of my own songs. My inspiration comes from my twin sister's love life, my love life, my dreams and my friends and family. All of my songs are written about me or the people that I know.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Robbi Mostina: Taylor Swift A LOT. Katy Perry. Songs by All Time Low, Kari Jobe, Nickelback, The Pretty Reckless and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus are on my playlist as well. I don't usually follow artists specifically though, I'm the kind of person who would rather make a compilation CD of all my favorite songs rather than buy an artist's album.

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Robbi Mostina: My first single has been released on radio. We're working hard on that at the moment. But I'm also concentrating on gigs. The biggest one coming up is Easterfest in April, which is very exciting!

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Robbi Mostina: Oh my goodness, every second week! Sometimes it gets so frustrating because of how slowly things move and I find myself second guessing everything I do. But I always get it together and push forward. I know if I get to 50 and haven't tried my hardest, I will only regret it, and that scares me the most. So all I can do is push myself until there is honestly nothing left.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Robbi Mostina: Recording, definitely. I was so keen to finish recording and start playing live but as soon as recording ended I missed it. Standing in front of the microphone in the studio felt like home.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Robbi Mostina: Music for me started as an outlet and once I realised I couldn't put it down once I picked it up, I really had no choice. Someone once told me 'if you find something you love, and make it a career, you will never have to work a day in your life.' And since then I was set. But in saying that, being obsessed with the Spice Girls as a little girl definitely inspired me.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Robbi Mostina: Learning to be happy with me. So many people love my music. But some people don't. I've had people spam my videos on inappropriate sites and criticize me every time I do something new, like my film clip. But at the end of the day, I've done the best I can do and I've learnt to be happy with that and not take any negativity personally. It just comes with the industry.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Robbi Mostina: Some days are just normal days at home or with friends and family. Other days I'm in Sydney doing band practice for a gig, at home answering questions for an interview or on stage performing. Every day is different.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Robbi Mostina: Getting emails and messages from fans. It's so flattering to know that people can relate to my music or fall in love with what I'm creating. The first time I performed, at Scorcher Fest, I walked off stage and everyone wanted me to sign a copy of my CD for them. That is definitely something I won't forget!

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Robbi Mostina: I would collaborate with Katy Perry. I love her!

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Robbi Mostina:

Question: Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Robbi Mostina: 1. A strong foundation, whether it be made from friends, family, GOD.
2. Doing the things you love and not doing things because everyone else is doing them and you feel like you have to follow suit.
3. Learning to accept criticism and not take it personally.
4. Being the person you want to be, not who everyone else wants you to be.
5. Following your dreams. No matter how big or insignificant they may seem.


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