Jenny JAM Better Than You Interview

Jenny JAM Better Than You Interview

Finding Your Inner Strength

Jenny JAM is a London born, Los Angeles based soul-pop singer/songwriter whose music aims to encourage others to always believe in yourself even when times get tough. Her thought-provoking and sincere songwriting allows listeners to connect to her music, delivering an authentic message that has been captivating audiences across the globe.

With a background in musical theatre, acting and modelling, Jenny utilizes her dynamic singing talents and experiences to craft her own unique and genuine music. Inspired to write after a series of traumatic events, Jenny used writing as a form of release, wanting others to hear her story and learn from her experiences and mistakes. The overall theme of her music highlights turning negatives into positives. The musician explains, "You can always take the positive out of the worst of experiences, as there is always a lesson – no matter how big the price to pay is".

Jenny draws from a panorama of influences ranging from jazz, soul and blues, to the classic 60's rock bands including The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Jenny reveals, "Amy Winehouse's real and deeply honest lyrics mixed with her classic 60's style jazz, has definitely made me feel that as an artist I can be more free to express who I really am, in the style I really want".

New single "Better Than You" the single narrates being trapped in a controlling, abusive relationship and finding the strength to break out of it and find someone who you truly deserve. Featuring a strong, determined rhythm, sassy lyrics and bold brass the single emanates independence and the importance of standing up for what you want.

The visuals for "Better Than You" are reminiscent of Queen's infamous "I Want To Break Free" video which depicts the band as housewives, yearning to break free. Perfectly representing the meaning of "Better Than You".

Jenny JAM has acted in many notable films and programs alongside renowned actors and actresses. With the hope to follow a similar path with her music, the singer continues to preach the importance of always believing in yourself, with '"Better Than You".

Interview with Jenny JAM

Question: How would you describe your music?

Jenny JAM: Soul/pop melodies with truthful lyrics that stem from poems I write. All the songs are based on stories of my life.

Question: Can you tell us about Better Than You?

Jenny JAM: The track is about an abusive relationship I was in. The person was mentally abusive which subsequently turned physical. I left and eventually met someone who really showed me the relationship I truly deserved.

Question: What inspired the track Better Than You?

Jenny JAM: The person I found after the abusive relationship was my inspiration. He made me realise just how bad things had got before.

Question: How did you come up with the idea for the video, for Better Than You?

Jenny JAM: Honestly that is one of the weird things about my mind! I woke up at 4am one night and it all just came to me- the locations, the outfits, Freddie Mercury, the hologram. I can't explain it but it just wrote itself in my mind and I wrote it all down.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Jenny JAM: All my lyrics are self-empowering and about real issues. I want people to learn from my mistakes and my experiences. My first single was about morning drinking, called "Morning Bottle". The message behind the song is that no matter what happens to you- nothing can take away who you are.

Question: How has your own relationships influenced your music?

Jenny JAM: All my music is based on relationships I've had with people - be it friends, acquaintances, partners, myself. I have taken bad and good from it all and turned each song into a positive ending because no matter what, that is what you have to do to get through life.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Jenny JAM: Performing live definitely because people can really see the emotion you are exerting. I do love recording though- as you can get playful and creative, trying out what would work with the songs.

Question: Which is your favourite song to perform live and why?

Jenny JAM: That is a tough one. I think out of my songs, "Morning Bottle" for now, as it really means so much to me. I was in such a dark place when I wrote that. However, I have a new song about my Dad (who passed away in 2014) which will be on the album called "My Letter To You". I think this ultimately will be my favourite.

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

Jenny JAM: My inspirations - Freddie Mercury, Amy Winehouse and George Michael. Unfortunately none of the above would be possible!

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Jenny JAM: Playing my piano, listening to moving music and reflecting deeply on life!

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Jenny JAM: Tame Impala's new album, I just saw them in concert in Los Angeles and Yellow Days, a fairly new artist I discovered through Spotify from Manchester, England. Check out his album "Harmless Melodies"!

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Jenny JAM: I have loved singing since I was a child. I went to Drama School and trained in Musical Theatre but realized my real love for music stemmed from soul/blues/jazz. I've just always done music and grew up listening to it. There was always music in the house.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Jenny JAM: An absolute legend like Stevie Wonder!

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Jenny JAM: Finding the right people to work with and making enough money to support my dreams.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Jenny JAM: There is no typical day in my life (laughs)! It either involves writing music, rehearsals, recording in studio, starting the mixing process, producing my next visuals, social media marketing, going to the gym, learning scripts, having meetings or being on a plane somewhere!

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Jenny JAM: Getting people tell me that my music inspired them in some way or that they learnt something from it.

Question: What's next, for you?

Jenny JAM: We are about to release my acoustic version of "Better Than You", followed by my third single called "Prove Who?" Which is all about not needing to prove who you are to anyone. This brushes upon social ladder climbing which I've really seen in Los Angeles, relationships and even friends. It's all about being who you are- no matter what people try and tell you.

Question: Can you share your socials?

Jenny JAM: @jennifermoxham/

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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