Almond and Yoghurt Blancmange with Kellogg's Sultana Bran Brittle

Almond and Yoghurt Blancmange with Kellogg's Sultana Bran Brittle

Almond and Yoghurt Blancmange with Kellogg's® Sultana Bran® Brittle


Sultana Bran® Brittle:
● 2 cups (100g) Kellogg's® Sultana Bran® Original or Sultana Bran® Gluten Free
● 1/3 cup each desiccated coconut, chopped hazelnuts & chopped almonds
● 50ml coconut oil or vegetable oil
● 1/3 cup honey

Almond Blancmange:
● ¼ tsp almond extract
● 300ml almond milk
● 3 sheets (15g) leaf gelatine
● ½ cup (110g) caster sugar
● 300ml thick Greek yoghurt
● 300ml thickened cream

Quick Coulis:
● 250g raspberries
● 50g caster sugar
● Juice of ½ lemon

● Fresh berries to serve


1. For the blancmange, soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes.

2. Combine the almond milk, almond extract and sugar and bring to a simmer. Ring water out from gelatine leaves then whisk into the heated almond mixture. Remove from heat and whisk to combine. Cool completely (must not be warm to proceed).

3. Whisk the cream until soft peaks form and fold through the yoghurt. Stir through the cool almond mixture.

4. Divide mixture between 6 x 200ml moulds and refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

5. For the Sultana Bran Brittle, preheat oven to 180°C.

6. Combine the Sultana Bran, desiccated coconut & nuts. Drizzle over the oil and honey and toss to coat. Flatten onto a baking paper lined tray and roast for 12-14 minutes until crisp. Remove and cool completely, before breaking up.

7. For the coulis, blend the raspberries, sugar, water & lemon juice until smooth, then pass it through a fine sieve. Reserve in the fridge.

8. Before serving break apart the Sultana Bran Brittle then serve with Blancmange some coulis and fresh berries.


For a Gluten free version swap Sultana Bran® Original for Sultana Bran® Gluten Free

* Almond and Yoghurt Blancmange with Kellogg's® Sultana Bran® Brittle Recipe thanks to Kellogg's who celebrate 100 years of manufacturing in Australia this year.

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