Tracy Killeen Driver's Seat Interview

Tracy Killeen Driver's Seat Interview

Tracy Killeen Driver's Seat Interview

Tracy Killeen known for her unique vocal style and energetic performance on stage, first came to attention in the highly successful duo, 'SweeneyKilleen', but has since emerged as a successful solo artist in her own right.

Tracy's talent has seen her achieve a finalist berth in the: CMAA Golden Guitar Awards, as one half of the duo SweeneyKilleen, the Golden Saddle Awards, the TIARA's and the People's Choice Awards. Also making notable TV appearances on such popular shows as; 'Escape with ET', 'Landline', the BBC UK Production, 'World Music' and the 'TODAY' Show.

Releasing her debut solo album 'Back There', at the 2007 Gympie National Music Muster, Tracy achieved the #1 selling album out of any other artist appearing at this massive national event.

In 2008 she made such an impression with key industry figures that she was invited to perform at the CMA Festival in Nashville US, representing Australia, alongside Felicity Urquhart, Adam Harvey and Jetty Road on the AristoMedia Global Showcase, and also performed on the 'Australian Artists Tomkins Guitars Show'.

Tracy continues to move onward and upward at a rapid pace, winning the prestigious TIARA in 2009 for 'Female Vocal', and her touring schedule around Australia and abroad at major festivals, also continues to expand, including; Tamworth, St Arnaud, Colac, Mildura, Nashville US, Port Pirie, Gympie National Country Music Muster, QUT Urban Country Music Muster, Katherine, Cunnamulla, Barham, and Mud Bulls and Music.

Her eagerly anticipated second solo album, Driver's Seat, which has just been released through WJO Distribution, has a constant theme of confidence and being in control. Just as her debut album 'Back There' reflected her roots; her second offering 'Driver's Seat', impeccably produced by award winning producer Matt Fell, is very much about the here and now.

Her touching first single 'Brave', which stayed at #1 on the Country Tracks Charts for 4 weeks and peaked at #15 on the CMC Top 30, is a song for anyone who has ever stepped out of their comfort zone & challenged themselves.

Tracy has brought together a diverse collection of songs for this album, including the self penned 'Seen You Before', about living through heartache and learning from the experience, to co-writing with some of Australia's finest; Drew McAlister ('Don't Rush'), and Allan Caswell ('42 - Margaret & Vera'), and Amber Lawrence ('Crazy in Love'). There is something for everyone on this album, from the light hearted 'Yodelling Blues' to the contagious track 'Metrosexual Craze', also penned by Tracy, which pulls you in with its tongue-in-cheek look at the modern dating world and, the emergence of the metrosexual man, already a proven favourite at her live shows.

A chance meeting with Nashville songwriter Steven Sheehan while touring the US state in 2008, has resulted in the recording of three songs written by Sheehan, 'Something 'Bout a Storm', 'Your Love's A Rock' and the feel good driving -down- the -highway tune, and title track, 'Driver's Seat'.

"I love writing and co-writing, and am blown away with the talent of the artists that came together for this album. I'm so proud of this album, the songs it contains and being a country artist. It's hard to define Country music in all its different forms, but I guess I like to say my music is traditional with a contemporary edge."

Mostly recently Tracy was awarded the Music Business Award at the 2010 Golden Saddle Awards, the annual event which recognises independent artists for their hard work and dedication to their music and their industry.

'Driver's Seat' has taken this entertaining artist to another level & will undoubtedly be a hit with both fans & industry alike. Don't miss the ride!

Interview with Tracy Killeen

Question: How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?

Tracy Killeen: It's such a buzz to hear your music being played and know that so many people are listening.

Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Tracy Killeen: YES! I think anyone with stars in their eyes, singing into their hairbrush & no idea about the industry at all, like I did, would. I've been doing this for 15 years now and when I set out I just thought someone would hear my music & sign me to a record deal. No such luck, there is so much hard work involved. From booking the gigs, the band, the PA, organising tours, music videos, recording your album, not mention the money you invest in publicity, advertising, paying agents, managers, and musicians. A lot of what you hear about being in the right place at the right time is really true! When I see artists that have finally been recognised or achieved success, I go wow - they must've worked so hard to get there, kudos to you!

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Tracy Killeen: Yes, I love to write. I guess it's kind of therapy for me. Whatever I'm going through at that particular time is my inspiration. My debut solo album 'Back There' was written when I was really missing my family & friends from Victoria after relocating to Sydney. So you will hear lots of songs about my family, childhood memories, it was very much about going back in time. My latest album 'Driver's Seat' was written after a bad break up & getting back on my feet to start again. The songs on this CD are about bravery, heartbreak & being back in control. I'm in such a happy place now so I'm sure my next album will be lots of fun!

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Tracy Killeen: I love so many different genres & artists; Kate Miller Heidke, Taylor Swift, U2, Sara Storer, Pink, Keith Urban, Lady Gaga, Trisha Yearwood, Lucinda Williams, Beyonce. They are all inspirational in the different way they see the world & interpret it with their music.

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Tracy Killeen: I'm going on the road with 'Taste Of Tamworth' with some other artists & playing concerts in VIC & NSW & I'm also doing a few solo shows around Sydney. I'm busy promoting my new single '42 Margaret and Vera, a song that I wrote with fellow Australian country singer/songwriter Alan Caswell, about two Aussie nurses during World War II - it's really a salute to females during times of war.

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Tracy Killeen: On and off there has been times, then I'll get out on stage, or someone will come up to me and tell me how much my music has helped them or inspired them, and I go yep, that's why I do what I do. Just like any job it has it's up and downs.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Tracy Killeen: That's tough, the recording process of watching you songs, your 'babies' come to life is so awesome and fun, but performing live, I guess it's what it's all about - reaching out to people, entertaining them, so that's what I prefer.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Tracy Killeen: My mum took me to see Garth Brooks and Tammy Wynette when I was little, I thought they were amazing! Then when I was about 13 my mum took me to see multi Golden Guitar winner Denise Morrison in concert, I just stared up at her on stage and said, that's what I want to do. The funny thing is when I went to the Australian College Of Country Music, she was one of my tutors.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Tracy Killeen: As an independent artist you don't have a record label to financially support you with recording or promotion, so sometimes it's a challenge getting the money together to record your album, the artwork, the licensing etc - it's a really expensive process & a gamble, because if you don't sell your album you can't recoup the money you've invested.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Tracy Killeen: I get up and work out what I'm going to wear for the show, do my hair (which takes forever), get to the airport or drive to the accommodation, then I go to the venue - check it out, have sound check with band & sound engineers, head back to accommodation, get ready! Then once I'm backstage at the venue I usually just check everything is ok with the band, say a prayer with my good luck doll & a few deep breaths (I always get a little nervous - which I've been told is a good thing!) and then it's so much fun on stage!

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Tracy Killeen: Getting to meet people from all over Australia, travelling overseas, writing with other artists, recording, making music clips - and shopping for stage outfits/accessories and shoes is sooooooo much fun!

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Tracy Killeen: I would love to write with Paul Kelly, he is such an amazing song writer, and Taylor Swift - for someone her age she is so talented...the list is too long!

Question: Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?

Tracy Killeen: I've finally met someone unreal. I look for honesty, someone who will stand beside you, believe in you, who is not afraid to say what they feel and above all someone you can laugh with, you should be with your best mate...and of course you do need to be attracted to them!

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Tracy Killeen:

Question: Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Tracy Killeen: 1. Good friends and family
2. Laughter and excitement
3. Music
4. Chocolate
5. Me time - everyone needs a chance to wind down, reflect & find some inner peace - find that thing that relaxes you, that brings you happiness.

Question: What message would you like to say to your fans?

Tracy Killeen: If you have a dream, believe in it, follow it and never ever look back with regrets. Sometimes the path we choose may not be easy, but if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

Interview by Brooke Hunter

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