Spooks Season 10 DVD

Spooks Season 10 DVD

Spooks Season 10 DVD

Cast: Peter Firth, Lara Pulver, Nicola Walker, Jonathan Hyde
Genre: Thriller
Rated: MA
Running Time: 353 minutes

Spooks: Season 10 follows the central character, Harry Pearce (Peter Firth – The Hunt for Red October, Life Force) and explores what makes the beloved steady hand of MI5 tick. Having known and trusted this man for 9 series, Spooks: Season 10 questions how well audiences really know Harry. Old friendships, ghosts from the past and shocking secrets all come to light, putting in doubt the nation's trust in him.

The old hats of Section D are joined by two new faces; incoming Section Chief Erin Watts, played by Lara Pulver (True Blood, Robin Hood) and tech genius Calum Reed (Geoffrey Streatfeild - Ashes To Ashes). Erin is a new generation of spy, balanced and unflappable; Calum is her trusted colleague, brilliant but cocky. Together they must prove that they are good enough for the job, while helping Harry in the most volatile geo-political task in decades. Open the dossier on some of the deepest secrets contained within MI5; are you ready for the truth? Packed with more special features than a spy's briefcase Spooks: Season 10 is set to make every fan's heart race.

Special Features:
Harry's Game
Spooks Top 10 Moments

Spooks Season 10
RRP: $44.95


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