Paloma Rose Garcia Maintain Winter Hair Interview

Paloma Rose Garcia Maintain Winter Hair Interview

Paloma Rose Garcia Maintain Winter Hair Interview

Paloma Rose Garcia has shared her top tips to stop winter winds and temperature drops causing havoc on even the most nourished of locks.

Interview with Paloma Rose Garcia, Philips HairCare Ambassador and Celebrity Hair stylist

Question: How does winter affect our hair health?

Paloma Rose Garcia: Winter is one of the most damaging times for your hair. The cool weather pulls the moisture out of our hair, resulting in frizz and split ends. Chilly days outside and central heating indoors can also dry your hair out until it loses shine, volume and feels limp and brittle. However, by looking after it in the right ways, you can prevent that winter weakness.

Question: How can we stop the winter winds and temperature drops wreaking havoc on our hair?

Paloma Rose Garcia: Looking after your hair in Winter is extremely important in order to prevent frizz and split ends. My number one tip is to treat your hair once a week with oils and deep conditioning treatments during the cooler months. This will help to replenish the moisture in your hair, which tends to get dried out from the cold Winter air and heating in your home. I also believe it is extremely important to drop your shower temperature as hot water leaves the scalp dry, increases flakiness and makes the hair damaged! Another tip is trying to keep your hair covered, as it will give your hair physical protection from the cold and therefore prevent split ends, breakage and damage.

Question: How does your winter hair routine differ to your summer routine?

Paloma Rose Garcia: In Summer, you need to moisturise to combat or balance out humidity. Whereas, in Winter you need to moisturise to replenish what the extreme temperatures (cold and heat inside) are doing to dry out your hair. Therefore, in Summer you tend to use lighter products in your hair, whereas in Winter I like to use rich creams and leave in conditioning treatments. In Winter, I also try to wash my hair less, in order to protect the hair's natural moisture.

Question: Why is it important we keep the shower temperature down, during winter?

Paloma Rose Garcia: As much as we love a hot shower during Winter, boiling hot water can cause your hair to dry up quickly. In particular, hot water leaves the scalp dry and makes the hair brittle and damaged. This is not ideal in Winter when your hair is already more likely to be dry and damaged from the cold weather. The hot water can also cause gradual hair loss because of the damage it can do to the scalp, causing the hair follicles to weaken and hair to fall out.

Question: Can we use hair oils even if we find we have oily hair?

Paloma Rose Garcia: Yes, of course! It has always been a myth that oily hair cannot use oil. One should remember to apply oils to then ends of your hair rather than the roots to avoid a greasy hairstyle.

Question: What are your favourite winter haircare styling tools?

Paloma Rose Garcia: My favourite styling tools to use during Winter are products that have MoistureProtect technology, for instance the Philips MoistureProtect Straightener and Philips MoistureProtect Dryer. The technology helps to keep your hair's natural hydration without overheating and drying it out, which is extremely important in Winter.

Question: What winter styles and accessories straight from the red carpet do you love?

Paloma Rose Garcia: I must say I love a good head wrap during Winter! Not only do they look stunning and elegant, but it is also a great way to protect your hair from exposure to the chilly cold of the Winter.

Question: What is your prediction for what's next, in hair colour and styles?

Paloma Rose Garcia: Coming from the red carpet are short, fresh and fun bob cuts. It is a very modern highfashion meets feminine look, which I absolutely love!

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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