You are what you drink - What does your coffee type say about you?

You are what you drink - What does your coffee type say about you?

...but what coffee you're craving all depends on what part of the country you're waking up in, according to a recent survey commissioned by Hudsons Coffee. The national survey found that New South Welshmen are most likely to be reaching for a cappuccino whereas their Victorian counterparts favour the latte and those in Western Australia will opt for the faithful flat white. Overall, the cappuccino was named as Australia's favourite coffee with voters in QLD, SA, ACT, TAS and NT also requesting their coffee with froth and chocolate sprinkles.

Queenslanders were found to consume the most coffee with more than three quarters of respondents admitting to drinking more than 2 cups a day. Caffeine-loving Melbournians were challenged for their title with more than 12% of Queenslanders and 10% of New South Welshmen drinking more than 5 cups of coffee a day compared with just 7% of Victorians surveyed. And Australia proved to be a nation of real coffee lovers with 83% only drinking freshly made coffee from shops or made with beans on a home coffee machine - with instant not getting a look in!

Mark Hawthorne, co-founder of Hudsons Coffee says of the results, "It's no secret that Australians love their coffee, no matter what part of the country they live in. Not only that but the results show Australia is now a nation of coffee connoisseurs with more than 40% requesting modifications to their coffee when ordering. Whether that's soy milk, a caramel shot or a double dusting of chocolate sprinkles, Australians certainly know how they like their coffee. We've decided to celebrate this finding by giving free additions at Hudsons Coffee throughout July no matter how far from the menu it takes you!"

According to the survey, the type of coffee you drink may say a lot more about you than you ever realised - adding weight to the claim that 'you are what you eat' or rather in this case 'drink!' Comparisons between Australia's top three coffee drinks revealed some interesting results...

Latte Drinkers:

Latte drinkers are more likely than their cappuccino and flat white drinking counterparts to:

· Flick to the gossip and entertainment section of the newspaper

· Spend Saturday night in a nightclub

· Listen to dance music

· Take public transport

· Live in a shared house with friends or with mum and dad

· Have between 201 - 300 friends on Facebook

Cappuccino Drinkers:

· Flick to the sports section of the newspaper

· Spend Saturday night in front of the TV with a takeaway

· Listen to pop music

· Drive a sedan

· Live by the beach or water

· Have more than 500 friends on Facebook

Flat White:

· Flick to the travel section of the newspaper

· Spend Saturday night on a date

· Listen to rock music

· Get around in a taxi

· Live in an apartment in the CBD

· Have 1 - 50 friends on Facebook

For those that prefer their coffee straight-up, the long black proved more popular than the quick hit of an espresso coming in at 4th place in Australia's ranking of coffee drinks.

Long Black:

Out of the black coffees, the long black is most likely to:

· Get their news online

· Spend Saturday night at the cinema or theatre

· Listen to classical or acoustic music

· Drive a 4WD or sportscar

· Live in a detached house in the suburbs or country

· Have 1 - 50 friends on Facebook!

Espresso, macchiato and vienna coffees came in 5th, 6th and 7th places in the national survey commissioned by Hudsons Coffee.

From its first store in Melbourne's CBD just under ten years ago to now operating 44 stores in over five states, Hudsons Coffee is something of an Australian success story. Capitalising on the 'coffee-mad' culture down under, Australian friends Ros Turner and Mark Hawthorne identified a simple yet unfulfilled opportunity in the market for quality coffee combined with quick service available in convenient locations.

Survey conducted in June 2008.


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