What Your Mother Should've Told You

What Your Mother Should've Told You

What Your Mother Should've Told You

If you've ever lost sleep over how to end a friendship or how to recover from an email faux pas at work, or you want to learn how to speak in public or you just simply want the secret to happiness, What Your Mother Should've Told You and Nobody Else Will gives you all the answers.

With everything from homespun wisdoms and invaluable life lessons to navigating the minefield of 21st-century dilemmas and manners, here are all those things your mother should have taught you, but you weren't ready to hear at the time.

Natalie Reilly comes from a long line of people who love to tell other people what to do. She was nine years old when she first gave unsolicited (and insightful) marriage advice to her mother. And her advice-giving talents are continually honed in her weekly column 'Things you should know by now' in Sunday Life magazine.

What Your Mother Should've Told You
Allen and Unwin
Author: Natalie Reilly
ISBN: 9781742379425
Price: $17.99


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What Your Mother Should've Told You by Natalie Reilly is an insightful and thought-provoking book about mother-daughter relationships. It provides a unique perspective on how mothers can help their daughters navigate their way through life's many challenges. Divided into three parts: 'Why Mothers Matter', 'The Mother Daughter Connection', and 'How to Nurture Your Mother Daughter Relationship'. In each section, the author explores different topics such as the importance of communication, understanding emotions, and how to set boundaries. Through stories, advice, and exercises, Reilly encourages readers to reflect on their own relationships with their mothers and daughters. It's easy to overlook the complex emotions and issues that arise between mothers and daughters, yet this book explores them in a way that is practical, from tips on how to communicate better, to advice on how to build trust, Reilly provides invaluable insight into this special bond. 


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