Turn Yourself On

Turn Yourself On

Turn Yourself On

Whether you're down in the dumps after a relationship break up, feeling insecure with where you are in life, or just craving a drastic change, it can be difficult to put the wheels in motion.

In the forthcoming book, Turn Yourself On (RRP$ 24.99), Sydney-based relationship expert, Marina J, has written a practical guide to turning your life around, based on over a decade of experience coaching women all over the world.

A #1 Amazon best-seller in just three hours, Turn Yourself On is the ultimate guide to getting your happiness mojo back after upset with him, her, or just life in general. In the book Marina J shows readers how to:
turn on your confidence, sensuality & self-love
stop self-sabotaging your own success
heal the deep hurt caused by relationship breakdowns
get better at asking for (and getting) what you want
feel secure with yourself, and learn to put you first
become the positive change you need

Filled with relatable examples, practical tools and techniques, Turn Yourself On is an empowering read to help you live with greater happiness.

Sydney-based relationship expert Marina J teaches women one of the most important skills of all: how to turn your life around and get your fabulous back after upset with him, her, or with life in general. A relationship expert, best-selling author and speaker, Marina has helped thousands of women around the world achieve greater happiness. She is the creator of the popular Turn Yourself On System, a powerful program for women who want fast, deep transformation and healing. Marina comes from a long family history of psychotherapists and authors and trained to become a life coach whilst being a single mum, with her work strongly founded in Jungian psychology. She is married to the love of her life and lives with their daughter by the beach near Sydney.

Turn Yourself On
Author: Marina J
ISBN: 9780994535498
RRP: $24.99

Interview with Marina J

Question: Why did you decide to write Turn Yourself On?

Marina J: I wrote Turn Yourself On to turn your power ON and get your fabulous BACK after upset with him, with her or with life in general – because your happiness is everything! I wrote it to be your best friend and handbook for life – for when you're hurt and upset with what's just happened, and for when you want to turn your sensuality, your self-love and your beauty ON.

Question: How can a relationship break-up affect a woman?

Marina J: The worst thing that can happen for us women is that at it's worst? We become the very thing that's just happened to us. When I was a single mum I used to walk down the beach, almost always crying, and when I would reach the top of the cliff, I would close my eyes and let my consciousness expand beyond my frustrations and closed doors. I was not the sum total of what was happening. How could I be? I was an incredible woman and so I set about turning my life around. And the program I created for myself is now the foundation for the programs I offer women who know they've lost themselves and want to get their fabulous back after a break-up, divorce or separation.

Question: How does this book, help change the negative impacts of a break up?

Marina J: My book, -Turn Yourself On,' takes you through the steps I would take you through as my client. These steps will take you beyond the negative impact and actually use everything that happened then and everything that's happening now to heal yourself at your deepest level; so do you create a life you and your kids (if you have them) are excited about. You deserve it! Open -Turn Yourself On' at the exact page you need, from freeing yourself from self-sabotage, to how to ask for what you want from your ex and actually get it… this book will give you the power and an opulence of tools to deal with your crap so it stops showing up. And you're going to reclaim the parts of you that were smashed from the breakup. Your confidence, your desirability, your light, your happiness.

Question: What advice do you have for a female, entering a new relationship, after divorce/separation?

Marina J: That you're going to use the past as your springboard to create the kind of relationship you've been dreaming of, nothing less. You might find that you feel more vulnerable as you walk into that restaurant to meet them; so here is your mindset: 1. If this person adds to you? You continue on with the conversation/relationship. If they take away from you? You walk away. 2. The Fun Approach. Your only goal is to have fun with this person. If you go into this hoping that they're 'the one?" You're already dampening the fun you two can have with this serious undertone. Take the pressure off yourself. Fun will lead you naturally to love far more than artificially trying to make something happen. 3. The relationship goes at your pace, not theirs. You set the tone. You set the speed. And in doing so? You begin a solid pattern of self-respect and self-love in this relationship.

Question: How can insecurities left from previous relationships be healed?

Marina J: Every single one can be healed by you. You're made to heal. The first thing you do is to turn on your ability to self-heal. My book will turn this on for you. But here is how you can start today: Decide what those insecurities are and then write next to each one, 'I'm DONE with YOU!" Your clarity and this decision? Will begin your power coming back to you. Then you're going to heal your biggest fear about yourself at the subconscious level. Did you know that 85% of what stops you in life lives in your subconscious? So that's where you heal your insecurities. And when you do? You'll be free to create a love affair for life. Because for a woman like you? Nothing less will do!

Turn Yourself On
Author: Marina J
ISBN: 9780994535498
RRP: $24.99


Interview by Brooke Hunter


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