Sisters in Arms by Shida Bazyar

Sisters in Arms by Shida Bazyar

An explosive feminist and anti-racist novel about the importance of friendship.


'We don't exist in this world. Here, we are neither Germans nor refugees, we don't report the news and we aren't the experts. We're some sort of wildcard'.


Hani, Kasih, and Saya have shared a deep friendship ever since they were kids.  After years apart, the three young women meet again for a few days, to pick up where they left off.  But regardless of what they have achieved, it becomes clear, again and again, that they can't escape the racism that accoompanies their daily lives: the glances, the chatter, the hatred, and the outright rightwing terror.  But their friendship gives them stability.  Until one dramatic night shakes everything up.


Sisters ini Arms is a provocative, uncompromising, and moving novel about the extraordinary alliance between three young women and the only thing that makes a self-determined life possible in a society that doesn't tolerate otherness: unconditional friendship.


Shida Bazyar, born in 1988, studied writing in Hildesheim, and in addition to writing, worked in youth education for many years.  Her debut novel Nachts ist es leise in Teheran (2016) won the Blogger Literary Award, Ulla Hahn Prize, and Uwe Johnson Prize, among others and has been translated into Dutch, Faris, French and Turkish.  Sisters in Arms is her second novel, and her first to be translated into English.


Sisters in Arms

by Shida Bazyar

Scribe Publications

RRP: $32.99


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