Love Me? Love Me!

Love Me? Love Me!

Serena DC Releases Her Secrets to Finding The One

I am Beautiful. I am Desirable. I love my life. I am worthy of a 10 out of 10 partner! How many people can say this about themselves? From RSVP, to Tinder, to eHarmony and back again, people the world over are looking for love. Serena DC believes she has found the reason they are not finding the one and has created a full proof strategy on how to attract them into your life! Her newly launched book titled Love Me? Love Me! is a positive and life changing guide that teaches the reader that the key to finding the love of your life is learning to love yourself first.

"The book captures all you need to know about learning to love yourself, finding your soul mate, and transforming yourself into the most desirable and datable person on earth!" says Serena, Author. "After launching iHeart Travel (her singles holiday company) and working with so many people looking for love and helping them find it, I just knew I had to share what I had learned".

Serena is the creator of iHeart Travel a matchmaking holiday company for singles looking for love. She started the company because she believes that dating online is the worst way to meet a potential partner. Serena is trying to teach the world how to kick it old school by meeting face to face! With the book Love Me? Love Me! Serena hopes to change the way singles think about dating, get them offline and back into the real world of dating and as a result find 'the one" faster. It is anticipated after reading the book and enacting the advice, singles will find love faster and fall in love with the perfect person for them. The book looks at:

How you have to fall in love with yourself before you can find 'The One"
Why you're attracting the wrong partners over and over again
How dating online actually preventing you from finding love
How to manifest the perfect partner for you into your life, fast!

"As a matchmaker I have been lucky enough to have had countless conversations with single men and women who have shared their deepest thoughts and feelings with me about the way they view love, their dating experiences and their desires for the opposite sex," said Serena. "Through these conversations I have learned about the deep and intimate secret lives of people in the dating game. Their stories have given me a one in a million perspective on what men and women want out of a partner and how to get it."

The launch of the book coincides with Serena starring in Channel 7's smash hit TV show, Instant Hotel. In this television series Serena and her Instant Hotel partner Sturt travel the country assessing other Instant Hotels (think Airbnb's) before accepting their own guests. Watch and enjoy as Serena dish's out some tough 'love' advice along the way! In addition to appearing on Instant Hotel Serena is also the star/producer of the new upcoming USA reality TV show The Secret Art of Falling In Love which follows Serena and her team of Aussie matchmakers on an iHeart Matchmaker Vacation.

The launch of the book coincides with Serena starring in Channel 7's smash hit TV show, Instant Hotel. In this television series Serena and her Instant Hotel partner Sturt travel the country assessing other Instant Hotels (think Airbnb's) before accepting their own guests. Watch and enjoy as Serena dish's out some tough -love' advice along the way! In addition to appearing on Instant Hotel Serena is also the star / producer of the new upcoming USA reality TV show The Secret Art of Falling In Love which follows Serena and her team of Aussie matchmakers on an iHeart Matchmaker Vacation.

Love Me? Love Me!
Smash Words
Author: Serena DC
RRP: $24.95

Interview with Serena DC

Question: What inspired you to write Love Me? Love Me!?

Serena DC: As a matchmaker I have been lucky enough to have had countless conversations with single men and women who have shared their deepest thoughts and feelings with me about the way they view love, their dating experiences and their desires for the opposite sex. Through these conversations I have learned about the deep and intimate secret lives of people in the dating game. Their stories have given me a one in a million perspective on what men and women want out of a partner and how to get it. I also work with my team of iHeart Super Heros (Rhys Uhlich, Mike Sherbakov and Amber Renae) who have been able to heal broken hearts and build the confidence of my single clients, changing their lives dramatically.

After my first iHeart Singles Holiday I just knew that I was on to something special - we were learning about dating, love and relationships - which had to be shared with the world; this book is just the first step in sharing what we learnt. Our upcoming reality show The Secret Art of Falling In Love will be step two.

Question: Why don't online-dating sites work?

Serena DC: Online and app dating really changed the way society approached dating. For the last ten years people have virtually stopped trying to find 'the one' the old school way and instead, we now rely almost entirely on trawling dating apps and websites, looking at photo after photo and profile after profile until we find someone that we find attractive. Messages ensue and we spend hours going back and forth, texting away, until hopefully after hundreds of texts we get a date.

We have taken away the elements of natural chemistry and sparks. We have removed the universe's ability to set us up with chance encounters. We have robbed ourselves of feeling the rush that we get when we bump into a stranger and instantly feel a physical pull toward them. We have taken away the rush of excitement that we feel when a cute boy comes up to us at a bar and offers to buy us a drink.

Guys don't have to try anymore. Why put yourself out there and face potential rejection when you can hide behind a screen? Well, I have had it! I am sick of this new way of dating. So I am calling singles everywhere out to join me in the new dating revolution. It's time to start kicking it old school, people! It's time to get you back into the real life dating game where you meet people face-to-face and feel the sparks and chemistry racing through your body! I want to take singles everywhere, back to a world where a man will approach you at a bar and ask if he can buy you a drink. And so I would like to introduce them to the world of face-to-face dating again.

Question: Can you tell us about iHeart Travel?

Serena DC: I created iHeart Travel because I wanted to combine my two biggest passions: travel and matchmaking. I also am a firm believer that you are your absolute best self when you are on holiday. You let of your inhibitions go and you are the most true version of yourself. You are in the mindset where you are ready for adventure and to try something new. You are happy and relaxed. What better place to meet someone and get to know someone then on holiday!

With iHeart Travel I have been able to create mind-blowing experiences for singles such as going on dream dates, playing at themed singles parties or adventuring around with a big group of new friends. iHeart Travel is my way of sharing some love and happiness with the world.

With the help of my iHeart Experts (Rhys Uhlich, Amber Renae and Mike Sherbakov) our trips are designed to help heal broken hearts, build up self-confidence, improve dating skills (by going on lots of dates) and most of all to find mind blowing, earth shattering and toe tingling love!

uestion: Why do we need to fall in love with ourselves before we can find our soulmate?

Serena DC: Trying to find a man when you are in the headspace of not loving yourself makes finding anyone above a 5/10 pretty hard. I mean if you don't love yourself, why would anyone else? If only there where a way for you to see how beautiful and important and intelligent you really are!

Imagine walking around every day and believing that you looked great, thinking you were beautiful. Imagine if during your quite alone time when you were reflecting on your life, say before falling asleep, that your thoughts about yourself were that you were proud of what you did during the day, that you thought you were a kind and loving person, that you believed that you look great and have so much to offer the world. Imagine the positive energy you would exude in your daily life.

When you love yourself it shows. You become lighter, easier going, more accepting of others and more kind. People notice a happy person who is at peace with herself. People will be drawn to you. Men will be drawn to you and most importantly 10/10 men will be drawn to you.

How do I know this? Because I love myself. That's right, my name is Serena de Comarmond and I absolutely love myself! I think I am pretty. Not a supermodel, but pretty enough. While I still want to drop a dress size I think I have a great body. I love my body because it's my body and it lets me live on this planet and it lets me give and receive hugs. I am not the smartest person on earth but I try really hard every day to provide a good life for my kids and myself. I am kind to people. I like helping people so I love myself for being a nice giving person. I drink too much, and I swear too much, that for sure but I forgive myself for that, I mean I'm only human and I'm still in my 30's so I'm still learning. I am good at loving people. I love hard! I am a hopeless romantic who cry's when watching rom-coms and I love myself for that. I love my big, soft heart. I am cool with me and because of that it has made me such a happy and easy going person. I spent so many years of my life, hating on myself so to now be in a state of love for myself is the most amazing space to be in. I have had lots of men fall in love with me. Hopelessly in love with me (laughs) but it's because they see me as honest and relaxed with no hang-ups. And, I want this for all of the single people out there. I want it for them more badly then you will ever know because I love to make people happy and being in love with yourself and then falling in love with someone worthy of you is the greatest gift in the world.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


Love Me? Love Me!
Smash Words
Author: Serena DC
RRP: $24.95


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