Lonely Planet's Travel Goals

Lonely Planet's Travel Goals

Discover inspiring experiences to transform your life with Lonely Planet's Travel Goals.

A modern bucket list for responsible, healthy, feel-good travel, Lonely Planet's Travel Goals is published this month.

Lonely Planet recently surveyed more than 7,500 members of its dedicated community of travellers from around the world, with 92% of respondents saying they see travel as "an opportunity for positive change". In addition, 68% of those surveyed said they now care more about sustainable travel than they used to, while 60% view travel as mo

re of an opportunity for personal growth than they previously did. For those travellers wanting to discover themselves (as much as the next big sight), Lonely Planet's Travel Goals has the potential to change lives. From sleeping under the stars and witnessing natural phenomena to more ambitious challenges, such as helping communities and safe-guarding the environment, this is the essential companion to a life well-travelled – and well-lived.

"These travel goals are not about ticking off a list of far-away sights," Lonely Planet says. "They are about a life filled with variety and self-discovery. Each goal is enriching in some way, either because it's about forging stronger connections with the natural world, helping a community clear a coastline of plastic, or spending a week on silent retreat."

How did Lonely Planet go about compiling this list? "We started out by asking our pool of travel writers about the travel experiences that had a life-changing effect for them – what would they recommend everyone try at least once in their lives? We then honed this list to 120 experiences that we felt would be the most personally rewarding. For each goal we explain why you should consider giving it a go and give at least three recommendations for where you can put the goal into action."

Lonely Planet's Travel Goals
Lonely Planet
RRP: $32.99


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